one hundred and eight

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Going from being parents to two to going to parents of four kids in a matter of hours was both terrifying, exciting and of course, exhausting.

On the 31st of May 1985, the twins were born and to their surprise and Roger's delight, one of them was a boy (Roger swore he was going to pass out when the midwife realised) and as things were with both Ellie and Heather; the two of them were absolutely perfect.

They really got lucky.

Rebecca gave Roger free reign of their baby boy's name and even though she was a little bit worried about what he'd come up with, she fell in love with it almost as soon as he said it.
Seth Alexander Taylor

As for their little girl, it took her at least two days to come up with her name, which was Norah Jane Taylor.

When they first brought them back to their new home, things were chaotic, to say the least.
There was twice as many nappies, twice as many feedings and of course, twice the crying babies.

But thanks to their amazing families and friends, somehow, they coped.

And to say thank you for their support, Rebecca had decided that since it was now coming to the end of June and that the sun was shining, that they would hold a barbecue at their home for everyone.

Brian and Alice were the first to arrive with Halley, saying that they wanted to help them set up and get things ready and though Rog and Rebecca wouldn't admit it, they were glad for the help.
Between them trying to prepare everything and taking care of their babies, nothing was coming together.

John, Hannah and their kids arrived not long after them and then, Freddie and Jim a little later because Jim got lost "I always miss the turnoff."

Since Brian had the most patience out of anyone, he was put in charge of the kids, taking them out into the garden with Pippi and while Charlotte and Ellie moved away from the others to play on the swing set they'd put in, Harry, Heather and his daughter hung on his every word as he showed them the best places to find hedgehogs and other woodland creatures that might wander into the garden from the woods beside the house.

Roger's parents and sister arrived a little after two, along with Morag who they happened to meet at the station.

Since they didn't see their grandkids as much as they'd like to, most of their time was spent cuddling and spoiling the kids, who of course, loved it.

Roger was in charge of the grill and so Brian didn't feel left out, he'd pulled out all the stops to make sure that his best friend got fed as well as everyone else; tandoori tofu kebabs, sweet honey onion steaks and the staple, veggie burgers.

Once everyone was settled and had a drink, Roger decided that it was time to start cooking and with the help of John, he carries everything he needs outside and set it on their large table.

"Put Brian's stuff here," he mumbles, "His won't take as long. I'll do it last."

John gives him a little salute, "You're the boss."

He leaves Roger in peace soon after but he's not alone for long as Rebecca takes John's spot and hands him a beer.

"Thank you," he mumbles, taking a sip before looking at her again, only to see that she's looking up at the sky, which although was blue earlier, was starting to cloud over, "We'll be fine. If need be, we can always go inside and eat."

She nods, "I know. Oh, Miami rang. He says he's been trying to get hold of you lot for a couple of days. He's worried you've been avoiding him but I told him you've been busy."

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