forty five

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It's been three days since her conversation with John in New York and still, no one has heard from Hannah.

They're in St. Louis, just fifteen minutes from going on and Rebecca's sat on Roger's lap fixing his eyeliner when John comes into the dressing room. She looks up at him eagerly but when he doesn't so much as glance at her on his way by, she knows he hasn't spoken to her.

"Still nothing?" Roger asks quietly and she shakes her head.

"Poor boy is going out of his mind," Freddie says as he sits down beside Brian, "I'll give Mary a quick ring and see if she'll go by John's flat to check on her."

"I've already done that," Rebecca said, zipping her makeup bag up, "There's no point. Hannah won't open the door."

"But Mary's spoken to her?"

"She says she's fine but she's obviously not."

"We're on in five," Brian announces, standing up, "I'll get him."

Rebecca quickly sorts Roger's hair and wipes away some of Freddie's eyeliner before they disappear onto the stage, giving each of them a good luck hug along with a kiss for Roger.

She stands at the side of the stage with Alice, tapping her foot to the beat of Roger's drum and she can't help but watch John.

He's just not into it; he doesn't look up from his bass and doesn't do any of his little dance moves - that's how Alice knows something isn't right.

"How do we handle this?" she asks, pulling Rebecca off to a quieter area and she sighs.

It's not as if they can just go round his place and see Hannah. They're thousands of miles away!

Rebecca sighs and leans back against the wall. She doesn't know how they're going to fix it.


It was a particularly rough show for everyone involved. An amp cut out on Brian, the spotlights above Roger went out, leaving him invisible to the crowd for a good fifteen minutes while people scrambled to fix it.

Rebecca could see that they were all just wanting to get off that stage but Freddie carried on like a champ. She was more worried about Roger though. He was hitting the remaining drums harder than normal and she could see him muttering to himself, getting more and more frustrated as the show came to a close.

As soon as the lights went down, the band made their way offstage and when Roger picked up his stool and threw it, she knew that there was going to be no encore tonight.

She and Alice silently followed them back to the dressing room, seeing Roger toss his drumsticks off to the side before he sits down and Rebecca grabs hold of the empty beer bottle that he gears up to launch at the wall.

"Well," Brian said, "That was a fucking disaster."

"A load of bollocks," Roger agreed.

Alice disappears, mumbling something to Rebecca about finding them some drinks.

"I doubt we'll be invited back," Freddie says, "Really, Roger. Was the stool throwing necessary?"

"I'll be glad not to come back," the blonde replies, "This place is a shit-hole."

Rebecca knows not to say anything. Having a bad show doesn't happen to them often but when it does, she knows that they don't want to be bored by pleasantries, "I'm just going to help Alice with some drinks."

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