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happy new year guys! i hope 2019 is very good to each and every one of you! 


Admittedly, it took them weeks to find a studio that was willing to take their money. Longer than any of them would have liked but Freddie did it and when Roger heard, he shut the stall early and headed back to his flat.

Rebecca was sat in his armchair watching some ridiculous daytime television when he came barging in, a smile on his face that reminded her of a child on Christmas morning.

"Roger?" she questioned, trying to look at his clock but he's pulling her from the chair and kissing her before she gets the chance. "Okay," she laughed when he started dotting kisses across her face, placing a hand on his chest, "Okay! What is going on?"

"Freddie's found us a studio," he said, grinning down at her when she immediately shares his excitement.

Letting out a squeal, she threw herself into his arms, resting both hands on his cheeks as she leans in to kiss him.

"And get this," he says breathlessly, "They could only let us in at night so they've knocked some money off."

Roger feels as if this could be (one of) the happiest days of his life. Not only does he have a beautiful girlfriend who he absolutely adores, but the band are also finally getting the break they deserve. Granted, it's a small one but he has the feeling that from here, the only way for them, is up.

"I'm so happy for you, Rog." Rebecca whispered, "You guys are going to do great things."

He finally put her back down but made sure to keep his hands on her hips.

"When do you start?" she asked, practically bouncing on her feet, "Gah, this is so exciting, Roger!"

"We're meeting at eight," he murmured, "Which gives us a whole lot of time."

She hummed quietly and wrapped her arms around his neck, "It does. And what can we do to pass it?"

Roger's hands crept down to rest on her bum, "I have a couple of ideas."

She laughed and let him lead her toward his bedroom. Of course he did.


Rebecca was a little bit surprised when Roger asked her if she'd like to come along. She thought that they'd want to just get on with it but who was she to deny seeing musical geniuses at work?

"I need my number one fan there," he'd told her proudly.

So when half seven rolled around, Roger helped her into one of his coats and they set off for the studio.

"Is that John?" she asked when they turned onto the street that the building was on.

Roger narrowed his eyes to try and see and nodded when he recognised the bassist's long hair, "It is. But who's that with him?"

"John!" Rebecca shouted, making him turn around, pulling the woman he was with to a halt.

"Evening," he greeted when they reached him, "How are we? It's a fine night to record an album, isn't it?"

Roger rolled his eyes, "A great night, Deaky. Are you going to introduce us to your friend?"

Rebecca could have awed at the light blush that crossed the man's face as he cleared his throat, "Of course. Hannah, this is Roger Taylor, our drummer and this is his girlfriend, Rebecca."

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now