ninety nine**

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Today was the day. Rebecca was finally going to get the all clear from the doctor and Roger, well, he bopped around the house with a grin on his face.

Since he had a meeting with the band at the studio, he was having to take Ellie with him which really, he didn't mind.

Whenever he or Deaky brought the kids to the studio, everyone lost their shit and that's what he wanted to happen so he could get home quicker.

What Rebecca didn't know, was that he was hoping that Brian would take their little one for the night.

"Love?" he calls up the stairs, "That's us heading out."

She appears at the top of the stairs and comes down to them to say goodbye, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Say goodbye to mummy," Roger whispers, waving Ellie's little hand for her.

"Bye baby," she coos, giving her a soft kiss as well before they're off out the door.

Due to traffic, they're a little bit late to the studio and when they enter the meeting room, Paul is in the middle of discussing deadlines for the next album.

"Sorry I'm late," Roger murmurs as he closes the door behind him, making all eyes turn to him and Freddie's light up when he sees he's brought the baby.

"Roger," Paul greets tensely, "I thought we agreed that we wouldn't be bringing children to the studio."

"Bex has a doctors appointment." he shrugs, "What was I supposed to do? Leave her home alone?"

"Paul, relax," Freddie waved a hand, "She won't be any bother look at her, she's fast asleep."

And she wasn't any bother, she slept through the whole meeting and when it comes to an end, she's just starting to wake up and Freddie spends a couple of minutes cooing over her before he tells them that he's off to meet Jim for some lunch.

And as Brian is pulling on his jacket, it's time for Roger to swoop in and ask if he'll take Ellie for the night.

"Bri," he calls, "Hey, Brian."

"What is it, Roger?" he asks, sorting his collar.

How do you feel about spending some time with the cutest little girl on this earth?"

"Watch it, mate," John muttered.

"Cut to it, Roger."

"Alright fine," he huffs, "Will you take Ellie for the night?"



"He's planning on shagging Rebecca tonight." John said as he walked towards the door, "See you later, lads."

"Seriously?" Brian asks.

"Come on, please," Roger hold Ellie up in front of him, "Look at this little face. Are you really going to say no to her?"

"Where will she sleep?"

"I've got the travel cot in the car," he grins, "There's plenty of bottles in the bag too, which, by the way, need to go back into the fridge when you get home."

Brian looks between him and the baby, then back at him before he sighs, "Fine."

Roger grins as he takes Ellie from him, kissing him loudly on the cheek, "Thank you. You too will have a blast. Give you some practice, eh?"

||-|| - (some shockingly written smut ahead)

Roger hopes that he'll beat Rebecca home but when he pulls into the driveway and sees his car abandoned, he knows she hasn't.

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