seventy five

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the pic isn't ben hardy but god damn that jacket is a lewk


Roger and Rebecca crash landed back into reality the day they came home.

The rest of the week in Bora Bora had been wonderful; filled with lazy days at the beach, exploring what the island had to offer and of course, a lot of sex.

Roger looked fantastic - he had a healthy golden tan which Rebecca thought really suited him, she hadn't been able to keep her hands off of him.

But the bubble had to be popped sometime.

They just never expected it to be popped like this.

See, when they arrived back to the flat, the first thing they noticed was that their door was open. It was just slightly, but it was open.

Roger held out his hand, silently telling her to wait there while he went in first - just in case there was someone still there.

But they'd been gone a week. Who knows when this had happened. Rebecca has wondered how they knew that there was no one in but that question was answered by the pile of letters that were underneath her feet.

"There's no one here," Roger said as he returned into the hallway, "Just, be careful. There's a lot of glass."

"Glass?" she repeats, "What, did they trash the place?"

"Looks like they came in through the bedroom window," he says as she comes to stand beside him and she thinks she could cry.

The flat is completely trashed; cushions ripped apart, photos that they'd put up, torn down. Why did they have to do this? Why not just rob them? They had to destroy the place too?

"What did they take?"

"Perhaps a better question is what didn't they take?" Roger murmured as he made his way through to the kitchen, "Drums are gone. TV too. Oh, but they left the microwave..."

But Rebecca isn't listening, she's on her way through to the bedroom, where it seems Roger was right. This was the point of entry. The window is smashed, there's glass all over the bed, which is also stained from being exposed to the elements.

The thing is, they don't know when this has happened. They've been gone a week. It could have happened the night they left for fuck sake.

She freezes when she notices that the top drawer the chest of drawers is wide open and her heart sinks.

She'd put her engagement ring in there.

"No," she whispers, stepping over the strewn about clothes to look for it, "No, no, no."

She'd put it in her toiletry bag, where she keeps the stuff she needs for her period and she hopes that whoever did this, would think it was just that, a toiletry bag and just discarded it.

But the bag isn't there and after taking a look around the bedroom, she can see that it's definitely not here and she slowly sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Bex?" Roger says as he comes through from the living room, "Did you hear me? They've even taken th-" He stops when he hears her crying and looks around the room himself before he's crouching down in front of her, placing his hand on her knee, "What did they take?"

"My ring," she choked, hearing him sigh and felt him wrap his arms around her, "It was in my drawer, in my bag."

She's heartbroken. Completely and utterly heartbroken. Rebecca loves that ring and the thought of someone else having it, possibly even wearing it makes her feel almost sick.

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