eighty nine

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Roger wakes up one late morning to see Rebecca hunched over his bedside table, scribbling on a piece of paper.

"Is that you writing me a note to tell me that you're leaving me?" he asks, stretching his arms over his head as she looks at him with a smile on her face.

"Yeah," she nods, "I'm sorry, Rog but I'm running off with Brian."

"Funny," he mumbles, "Where are you off to?"

"I've got a job and then I'm going to go get a haircut. These ends are driving me mad."

He nods, falling back against the pillows, "Okay."

"Love you," she whispers, kissing his forehead softly and he smiles.

"Love you too. Drive safe."

After his wife leaves, he stays in bed for a little longer before climbing into the shower, only to jump back out five minutes later when he suddenly gets a fantastic idea for a song - it's funny where inspiration hits.

At around 12:30, John turns up seeking refuge from Hannah's mood swings.

"I just don't get it, Rog," he says, leaning against the worktop as Roger makes himself some lunch, "Why doesn't she just tell me to fuck off if she doesn't want me there? Am I not getting offered something to eat, Roger?"

"You know where everything is," Roger shrugs, taking a bite out of his sandwich, "Help yourself."

Just as he sits down, the phone rings and he looks at John, who's closest to the one that's on the kitchen wall, "Will you get that?"



"I'm not your housekeeper, mate."

Grumbling under his breath, Roger knows what's going to happen.

And he's right. As soon as he reaches the phone, he looks over his shoulder to see John taking a bite out of his sandwich, "You're a prick, Deaky."

He has a feeling that it's Rebecca. Normally, if she's arrived as a job a little early, if he's off, she'll ring him to kill time, "Rebecca?"

"Not Becca." instead, it's Freddie's voice that greets him from the other end of the line and Roger sighs, "Listen, is Deaky with you? I rang his house but Hannah was in a positively foul mood."

"What do you want Fred?" Roger asks.

"I need you lot down at the studio."

"Please tell me you're joking. Freddie, we've barely had a day off i-"

"I know, darling. I know," he gets cut off, "And I'm sorry but this simply cannot wait. Please, Roger. You boys do this for me, I promise, no more studio time."


"Fabulous!" he cheers, "And bring Deaky with you."

Roger hangs up and looks at the bassist who has now finished the sandwich and is helping himself to the crisps he'd put on the side of the plate, "Freddie wanting us at the studio?"

He nods, throwing him the car keys that are on the counter beside him, "Yeah and I need you to give me a lift. Bex has the car."

John stands, scooping the last of the crisps into his hand to take with him, "Let's go then. Fantastic sandwich, Roger. Thanks."

Roger picks up the empty plate, looking between him and it as he considers throwing it at his head but quickly decides against it, instead tossing it into the sink, "You're welcome."

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