seventy six

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Almost everything in the living room had to be thrown out except Roger's armchair - that was untouched.

It was the same story in the bedroom; the bed was ruined, completely ruined and so they decided that they would just throw the whole lot out but that meant that until the new bed and furniture were delivered, and the old one is taken away, they were sleeping on a mattress in the living room.

Rebecca didn't really mind that since there was almost no light in the bedroom thanks to the boarded up window.

Roger always tried to make sure that he was home from the studio before it got too dark and if he was going to be late, he made sure to phone and let Rebecca know.

It was surreal. She has lived here got years. This is her home and now, when she's here alone, she's terrified.

The chances of whoever did this coming back were almost non-existent but that didn't stop every little noise scaring her.

Roger comes home that night with food from their favourite Chinese takeaway and when he enters the flat, she's sat on their makeshift bed looking at some more of the houses that Derrick had sent over.

Looking for a house was stressful and the two of them never seemed to be able to agree on anything.

The other day, they'd seen three houses and there wasn't one that the both of them fell in love with.

One was too small 'Can barely swing a cat in here, love'

One was too big 'We don't need four bathrooms, Roger!'

And one had a really funny smell coming from somewhere.

Rebecca was starting to worry that they'd never find somewhere.

"Hey," Roger finally murmured after he'd shrugged off his jacket and out the food in the kitchen.

"Hi," she whispered, putting aside a potential property, "How was your day?"

"It was alright," he nods, falling onto the mattress beside her, "Good actually. Pitched a song to the boys and they liked it. Getting to do the vocals on this one too. You should come by tomorrow. Hannah's bringing Charlotte."

"Maybe," she nods.

"What did you do today?" he asks, brushing some hair off of her shoulder so he can rest his chin against it and she smiles, reaching over to grab a piece of paper, "What's this?"

"A flyer. Was thinking about getting it copied and putting them up."

His eyes skim over it, seeing the excitement practically rolling off her in waves, "For your makeup artist thing?"

She nods, "I'm almost ready to take my driving test and so I thought if I get a head start, I'll have some jobs for when I do pass."

"Smart," he nods, getting up from the mattress, "Do you want this now?"

"Please," she grins before looking down at the flyer once more. Hopefully, this would work out.


"So, what do we think?" Derrick was stood in their third house of the day, looking like he wanted to strangle the two of them.

Roger was off checking out the four bedrooms that were upstairs while Rebecca stayed downstairs and inspected the kitchen and two living areas that it had.

And dare she say it, she thinks that maybe, this is it.

"I like it," she says slowly, opening a cupboard she's already looked in three times and she can hear Roger's footsteps on the stairs, "Rog?"

He nods, also opening a cupboard, "It's a good house. It's the best we've seen so far."

Derrick gives them a bright smile, "Great! We-"

"But it's not ours."

Rebecca turns to look at him; his arms are crossed and mouth set in a firm line and she sighs.
If Roger isn't sold, it's not the right place. That was the deal; both she and Roger had to love the house.

And so Rebecca tells Derrick that no, this isn't the house.

And so they return back to the flat, where Rebecca flops down onto their makeshift bed with a groan.

"Who knew that this would be so hard," she says as Roger falls down beside her, "I really loved that last one, Rog."

"I did too," he nodded, "But it just didn't feel right, love. I couldn't see us living in it, making it our own."

"You didn't?"

He shakes his head and she lets out another groan. She felt like this was going to kill her.


Rebecca does join Roger in going to the studio. She doesn't really fancy spending the rest of the day alone in the flat and hearing Roger sing, well that's just a bonus really.

As soon as they enter, Roger makes a beeline for Hannah who's holding Charlotte and he's quick to hold out his arms for her.

"Hello to you too, Roger." Hannah laughs but she does hand the baby over.

"Yeah, hi Hannah," he hums, carrying Charlotte to sit down on the small couch beside Rebecca and she grins at the baby, speaking in a ridiculously high voice that she keeps just for her.

"Hi, lovie," she says, reaching out to pinch her cheek gently before looking at Hannah, "I can't believe she's almost two months old."

"Me neither," she sighs, "I just want her to stay this small forever."

"A full night's sleep would be fantastic though," John said as he came to stand beside his wife to which she responded with an elbow to the stomach.

"She smiled the other day," Hannah said quietly, "I've got a you want to see?"

"Do I want to see a photo?" she repeats, "Of course I do!"

"I want to see," Roger murmured and Hannah digs through her bag to find the pictures she's had developed and when she pulls them out, one falls to the floor and Rebecca leans down to pick it up and looks at it and the smile slips from her face.

It's not a picture of Charlotte.

It's a picture of Hannah. In nothing but underwear.

Rebecca clears her throat while Roger averts his gaze and both Hannah and John flush red before she's snatching it from her hand.

"Sorry about that," she chuckles nervously, finally handing Rebecca the correct photograph, "Saturday she did this."

"Look at that," Roger coos, "Look at that smile, Lottie. Can you give Uncle Roger a smile? Can you do that for me?"

Rebecca grins as he continues talking to the baby until Freddie calls that it's time for him to record and all she can think, is damn he's going to be a great dad.

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