eighty five

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"You're sure it's alright for her to fly?"

"Yes, Roger. Perfectly safe. Women can fly up till their thirty-sixth week."

"So it's alright?" he asks once more and Katie laughs.


"Thanks, Katie," he murmurs, toying with the phone cord.

"No problem. Tell Rebecca if she has any questions, she knows where to find me."

After saying goodbye, Roger goes in search of his wife, who he hasn't seen since he kissed her goodbye this morning before leaving for a band meeting.

They were playing Madison Square Garden in a few weeks and that meant that Rebecca would be going into her second trimester and he just wanted to check with Katie that it was okay for her to fly out with him.

That also meant that it was only six months until the baby arrived.

He knew she would be upstairs and after grabbing a cookie from the plate that's sitting on the worktop, he heads up to their bedroom, stopping when he reaches the doorway.

"Now this is a lovely sight to come home to."

She's standing in front of their mirror, just in her underwear staring intensely at her reflection - though she turns to him when he speaks, placing her hands on her hips, "Do my boobs look bigger?"

He almost chokes on his cookie, "What?"

"My boobs, Rog," she sighs, turning to the mirror again, "Do they look bigger?"

He finishes his cookie and steps into the bedroom, moving to stand behind her as he puts his hands on her waist, "There's only one way for me to work that out, my love."

She tuts as he slides his hands up the front of her torso, cupping her breasts in his large hands.

"Hm," he hums, resting his chin on her shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze, "Hannah could be right."

"Roger," she laughs as he presses kisses to her neck, "Stop! I have to get ready."

He gives her one last kiss, this time on the cheek before he's falling down onto the bed, "They're coming for three, yeah?"


Today was the day that they'd be telling their parents that they were going to be grandparents and once, the thought of telling her mother that would have terrified Rebecca but now, well, she was sure that her mum would share the excitement.

She slips on one of her nicer dresses before heading downstairs - Roger following close behind - and into the kitchen.

"Did you make these?" he asks, helping himself to another cookie, "They're good."

"Don't have to sound so surprised, Rog," Rebecca laughs, "But no. God, no. I tried but after the third attempt, I gave up."

He shakes his head, "I sometimes wonder how you survived so long."

"That's what a microwave is for, isn't it? For people who can't cook?"

He laughs quietly, "Of course they are, love."

Standing beside him, Rebecca helps herself to the cookies he's eating, ignoring the annoyed tsk that leaves his mouth as she does so, "Should maybe take a cooking class though."


It's just Winnie who makes the journey down from King's Lynn, Michael had been called into a meeting for work.

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