fifty four

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Roger didn't really mind being stuck in the middle of nowhere to record this album.

In fact, he was going to suggest that Rockfield is used for all future recordings. He's sure that the others would agree that there's something about the clean air that just makes inspiration hit.

"Hannah would love it here," John said from his spot at the breakfast bar, "She grew up on a farm y'know?"

"Yes John, we do," Brian mumbled, "You've told us. Twice."

"How's she doing by the way?" Roger asked, "Morning sickness stopped?"

"No," he frowned, "But she's glad Rebecca offered to stay with her. As am I."

"It'll be good for her to have some company," Brian nodded in agreement, "How far along is she now?"

"About twelve weeks?" John mumbled, not really sounding sure, "She started crying last week when she couldn't get her favourite jeans. I've asked her to send me pictures in the post when she starts showing since we're going to be here for a few months at least."

Both Rog and Brian frowned. They knew how hard it was for him being away from her at a time like this. But he spoke to her every few nights - it would be every night if he could have his way but Roger and Freddie had people to talk to as well.

"Quick question," John began, "Can Rebecca drive?"

"No. Why?"

"What if there's an emergency and she had to get Hannah to the hospital?"

Roger and Brian groaned as John started talking about everything that could happen while he was gone.

It was going to be a long few months.


Rebecca loved staying at the Deacon residence. It was a house, not a flat and although it was a small three bedroom, she and Hannah never felt as if they were getting on top of each other.

And they had a garden - she and Roger didn't have that and they certainly didn't have lovely neighbours with a black lab names Poppy, who Rebecca had quickly fallen in love with.

Hannah had said that living with a girl again reminded her of flat sharing in uni, so she was enjoying having her friend there. She would be lonely without John.

As she was hanging out the washing (despite Hannah telling her that she could do it I'm pregnant, not an invalid), Rebecca got to thinking that maybe it was time to bring up moving with Roger.

Their flat was starting to become just that little bit too cramped - especially with the extra clothing they'd seemed to come home from America with. Rebecca had a feeling that most of it belonged to Freddie.

And their bedroom window was still stuck open. Though the winter had been the worst and even though Rebecca asking Steven nicely a couple of times, he hadn't come to fix it.

Though Roger's strongly worded phone call could have been the reason for that.

"I made you some tea," Hannah smiled as she came back inside.

"Thanks. Though I feel as if that's all I'm doing recently."

"Me too," she frowned, "Hey, maybe we could ask Sid and Diane if we could walk Poppy."

Rebecca nodded eagerly, "Yes! I love dogs. I wonder if Roger would be mad if he came home and I'd gotten one."

"You totally should. I'd pay to see his face."

She took a sip of her drink, "It wouldn't be practical. I mean, after this album is finished and released, we'd be going on tour again. It wouldn't be fair to the little thing. Definitely in the future though."

"Speaking of the future," Hannah had a grin on her face, "Do you see any little Rogers running around soon?"

Rebecca flushed and tried to hide her face with her mug, "I don't know."

"Liar," she sang, "You're honestly saying that you've never thought about it?"

Shrugging, she put the mug down, "I mean, sure, it'd be nice. But you're getting ahead of yourself there, Hannah. Besides, I think I want to be married for a bit before even thinking about babies."

Knowing that she wasn't exactly the best at keeping a secret, the young woman quickly stood up from the table, feigning a yawn, "You know what? I might go take a nap. Suddenly feeling rather tired."

Rebecca frowned but nodded, "Okay...are you feeling alright?"

"Hm? Yep. Totally fine. Hey, you should still go ask if you can walk Poppy. I'll come back down for dinner."

"Well," Rebecca whispered once Hannah had disappeared, "What the hell was that about?"


soz about the shortness. don't know why i even made this a chapter on its own. oh well

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