500k celebration

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3rd of July 1986.

Roger slid his key into the front door, silently pushing the door open, pausing in the doorway when he was met with silence. 

That wasn't the norm with four children. 

He'd come back for a brief break in the Magic tour, where he'd be getting four whole days to spend with his family but he hadn't told Rebecca - he'd wanted it to be a surprise. 

He's met with the smell of freshly baked cookies, the hallway in a complete mess; littered with toys and shoes that the kids hadn't picked up when they'd gotten home, too excited for the weekend. He was home.

For a moment, he thought that maybe they were all out but her car was in the driveway and then he hears Pippi's claws on the hardwood floor having obviously heard him come in. 

"Hey Pip," he whispers, scratching behind her ear as her tail goes a mile a minute, "Where is everyone, hm?"

He gets his answer in the of a shriek coming from the back garden, Ellie and Heather laughing and a large splash - they must have been in the pool.

He dumps his bags by the door, swearing that he'll take care of it all later on before moving through the house towards the back door, which he leans against. 

He was right, Ellie and Heather are splashing about in the shallow end of the pool while Rebecca sits on the decking with the twins; watching them build towers with their blocks and knock them down.

He doesn't know how she does it - looks after the four of them on her own and still runs her business. She's incredible and he swears she's some kind of superhero. 

"Mummy?" Ellie asks, "Can we finish the picture for daddy tonight?" 

"We sure can," Rebecca nods, throwing Pippi's ball for her. 

"Do you think he'll like it?" 

Rebecca nods her head but before she can give a verbal reply, Roger speaks up, "I'm sure I'll love it." 

Four heads turn at the sound of his voice, Seth was still too invested in playing with his blocks though he does jump a little bit when Ellie and Heather let out excited squeals and rush to clamber out of the pool. 


"Be careful!" Rebecca pleads as they run toward him, she's had enough skint knees and scraped hands to last her a lifetime. 

They both make it to Roger in one piece and he catches Ellie in his arms as she throws herself at him. 

Seth and Norah are excited because their sisters are excited and Rebecca smiles as they clap their hands. 

"Hello, love," Roger smiles, leaning down with the girls still hanging off of him -Ellie has her arms around his neck while Heather is wrapped around his leg- to give her a kiss. 

"This is a surprise," Rebecca murmurs, "You weren't due back for another two days. Don't quite know how you got that past me."

He didn't know either. Since the twins came along she was able to sense bullshit left, right and centre. 

"Daddy, will you play in the pool with us?" Heather asks and Ellie is nodding immediately. 

"Yes! Daddy, please!" 

Roger lifts Seth up from the playmat that Becca's set up on the decking and kisses the child's cheek. 

"Your dad is just through the door-"

"No, no," Roger interrupts her, "That's fine. If the girls want to play in the pool, then we can. I just thought that maybe they'd want their presents I've got them..."

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