Warm Up

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"But be back in 5, we still need to see who we're up against"

"Alright..." Sakura said heading straight out.

Oikawa's PoV

"Captain... it's almost time for ours" Kaito called me outside. I was back in my senses and found myself still where the girls played a while ago... Until I realised that it had NOT been just a while ago.

"It's been 15 minutes" I said, looking at my watch. I couldn't see Sakura anywhere.

"What?" Kaito asked in disappointment and I could feel my guts twist.

"Sakura... I'll just find Sakura and be there in five" I said sprinting outside to find her. I searched the whole place, near the gates, the garden... I couldn't find her anywhere and my guts twisted. I sprinted along the walls and then...

I saw her there...

With tears in her eyes...

They were the same guys that sat beside me checking her out, one of them holding her wrist. She looked so scared. My life almost leapt out of my body looking at her. They were saying something to her and she was trembling. My body heated up more than it should've and I walked towards them with fury I couldn't contain anymore.

"Your shorts look uncomfortable"

I was so angry it was evident on my face.

"Sakura chan..." I finally managed to get something out of my mouth.


Sakura's PoV

I was on my way out, my eyes searching for the restroom when I was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Are you looking for the restroom, miss?" He asked and I just nodded. I wouldn't have responded to him if I didn't have to get back soon.

"Go right outside and follow the walls towards the left. You'll find one there" he said and I thanked him before I left "thank you."

When I reached the place I couldn't find what I was looking for but instead found a bunch of guys hanging out there.

They looked at me and beamed in delight.

"Sorry, I lost my way" I apologised and tried to walk away but was blocked by one of them.

"Where'd you think you're going, Sakura chan?" He asked.

'He knows... my name?'

"S-Sorry... I didn't know the way" I apologised again hoping they'd let me go.

"We'll show you the way, Sakura chan" another one evilly smiled. The odds of me beating five tall guys was close to zero.

"I'm sorry... I have a game to get back to" I just prayed so they'd let me go.

"Why don't you give me your number so we can let you go?" He said.

"I... I can't" I said gulping.

"She's so cute, I swear" another one said smiling. "All you've to do is put your number here, dear" he held his phone out.

"I... can't" I repeated almost squealing, unable to say anything else. My body had begun to tremble.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now