Stars 🍋

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LEMON 🍋 SKIP IF YOU CANT TAKE IT. Kinda unholy. So, please... just skip if you can't. Or keep the holy water ready.

I've begun doing commissions now, I don't know how it'll turn out but I'll be doing commissioned short stories/one shots for now to see how it goes before I can make long ass books ♥️ text me if you're interested

"Start what?" She kissed the back his neck sending shivers down his body.

"Alright then" he leaned extreme left, she lost balance and dropped on the floor, he then trapped her between his muscular arms.

She knew she was dead for doing that. He was going to resume his pushups with her pinned underneath. This was going to be torture.

With every push his eyes pierced into hers and every time he came down, his lips were so close to hers. She tried to kiss him but he'd push before that.

"Toshi san!" She was frustrated after a few times.

"Hmm?" He smirked.

"Kiss me"

"I'm not done exercising" he teased.

"But I'm cold" she lied so he'd stop.

"What else do you think helps?"

"Umm... hot water" she seriously answered that.

"Shower?" He said and she turned red.

"Heating pads" she overlapped his answer.


"You can't just say that!" She hit his chest and he laughed. He lowered his arms and planked, resting his elbows with Sakura still trapped underneath him.

He lowered his face and she thought she'd finally get her reward for being tortured. But Ushijima smiled and kissed her cheek. She pouted in dismay.

'Two can play this game' she grinned before slowly sliding her boyfriend's shirt off her body and he wasn't expecting that. Her pink lace bra parched his throat. He eyed the curves that perfectly hid under the lace exposing just enough to tense him up. She knew she was winning when he lowered his face to finally kiss her but she put her hand against his chest and stopped him "But you said you're not done exercising" she softly mocked and he regretted trying to tease her, but he wasn't backing down. He bent his head forward and took his shirt off with a smirk on his face. His sizzling hot body made her pool between her legs. She slid out of her shorts, her matching pink lace making him choke on his breath but he was also adamant. She slid her hands down his torso "Let's see how long you can keep this up for" she whispered sliding her hands over the bulge in his shorts.

"Ah, fuck it" he slid his arm under her back and picked her up before tossing her on the bed

"Toshi san..." she knew she had won. But her smirk disappeared looking at his slightly flustered but disappointed face.

"You've forgotten who's in charge, haven't you, kitten?" his eyes went pitch dark in seconds as his thumb delicately traced her jaw. She felt her blood rush to her face. She tried to hold his face but he held both her wrists with just one of his hands and pinned it above her head before passionately kissing her, his other hand gripping her breast and she moaned into his kiss.

He trailed kisses all along her jaw and kissed her neck, softly nipping it and she melted against his lips. His hand found it's way down and pushed her lace aside, feeling her wetness with his finger "You're a mess already"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now