No More Games

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Ten chapters more and you're free from my horrifying updates. Lol. I love you guys so much for tolerating this. You guys have gold patience. Thanks for being so nice, your positivity is amazing.

Time skip 7 years

Sakura was more than happy captaining her last National and U-19 matches for the win. She was more than proud of both her teams.

"Dr. Kuroo! You're needed in OR 4" Sasaki Tamotsu, one of her only friends from the hospital said. He was from the cardio department with a soft spot for Sakura.

"Sasaki san, tell me this is a joke! I have an emergent replacement surgery in half hour with Dr. Yasushi!" she flipped before closing the charts in her hand shut and hurried to the OR after swiftly handing it over to the closest nurse.

Ushijima waited outside one of the biggest hospitals in Tokyo. 'Nakajima Kenichi Hospital' it said. Sakura flopped into the passenger seat of his Porsche Cayenne.

"You look terrible" he chuckled.

"You still manage to look hot" she pointed as he laughed driving back home.

"That fucking hurts!" He cursed as she expertly bent his knee and cracked it for him.

"Unless you want to retire at 30 you should listen to me" she knowingly smiled.

"That's just five years from now" he said.

"Exactly" she said.

"You're horrible" he said "Why'd you have to be a sports ortho out of everything else in the world?"

"So I can take care of you, baby" she winked.

"You're just looking for reasons to put your hands on me"

"Am I now?" She laughed in disbelief. She bit her tongue because that was partly true too. "Since when are you so cocky?"

"What are you saying?" He huskily said getting up from the couch and pinned her against the seat. "I'm not" he gently kissed her and she put her hands in his hair pushing his tolerance further.

The car honked outside his gates startling them both. "CHIBI!!! I'M HERE" the devil yelled.

"I still can't believe he didn't let you move in with me" Ushijima said opening the door for her.

"We don't want our parents to faint now, do we?" She pecked his lips making him smile.

"CHIBIIII!!!" He screamed at what he just witnessed.

"Why don't you just find a girlfriend for yourself and let me live in peace?" She cursed Tetsuro and he rolled his eyes "I can't believe you kissed him!"

"Because I'm old enough to!"

"Nah, you're still 10" he said in denial and she laughed at his cuteness.

Sakura made sure she attended all his games. He was the hottest at the Olympics. Volleyball was a game worshipped in the country and Ushijima was quite the star. Their league games were HUGE. They went on amazing dates or stayed back at his place for earth shattering sex. Ushijima was open about his relationship. His parents had gotten back together and were happy for the two.

"Sakura! A patient has requested for you" one of the residents said.

"Me?" She internally laughed at the atrocity before heading to the OPD.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now