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"No" he was already half asleep "Stay" he said and she looked at his moonlit face before succumbing to his charm.

"I'll be right back" she kissed his face and hurried to her closet putting on her favourite shirt, the one he let her borrow after Oikawa confronted her. She then slipped under the covers and laid beside his sleeping figure snuggling against his arm before falling asleep.

It began to pour like crazy, the thunder woke Sakura up. "Sakura" he mumbled in his sleep. He looked disturbed. He tossed in his sleep and she worriedly ran her hand through his hair "I'm here" she said and the sky roared again. If she feared something in the entire universe, it had to be horror movies, butterflies and thunder. She'd even catch a reptile with her bare hands if she had to but could never accommodate to the above three things. She shut the windows and closed the blinds to prevent any water and cold air entering her room. It was rather cold inside and she began to shiver, her temperature was dropping already. Superficial frostbites were painful as hell so she was desperate to prevent them from happening. She ran to the kitchen to get some hot water in a big bowl to dip her hands and feet in them.

"Haaa..." she closed her eyes and sighed in relief.

"SAKURA!" She thought she heard Ushijima.

She heard the door open.

"SAKURA!?" She hurried upstairs and found him profusely sweating, his breathing was laboured and he looked immensely disturbed.

"TOSHI SAN!" She held him tight and sat him back in the bed.

"Where were you?" He asked gasping for air "Why are your hands wet!?"

"Toshi san... was it a nightmare?" She asked handing him a glass of water and he just repeated himself "Where did you go?"

"I needed to... warm my hands" she said looking at his unsettling face "...and my feet" she timidly added hoping to convince him.

"Toshi san-"

"You were dead" he said and she froze in her spot.

"What?" She scooted closer and held his face.

"You..." his breathing got heavier "You wouldn't wake up"

"I'm right here, I promise." She said and he looked at her pained face. "That's... just it" he stopped there knowing she'd be more hurt if she knew any further. However, she knew better than anyone that he was lying, she felt so horrible.

"I need to know" she caressed his face "please".

"I was so scared when Sakusa pulled you out. I became so selfish that I even prayed for it to be someone else." His chest heaved from all the tension he was carrying "You weren't even breathing. You were so white. I... I held you in my arms and... You were so cold. I felt it" he looked at his hands. His eyes trickled with tears and her heart sank. "You were gone..."

"...because of me". He couldn't breathe anymore, he felt his lungs give up on him as he gasped for air. He was so close to having a panic attack. His body was trembling.

"Shh..." she pulled him into her arms and rubbed his back to calm him down "I'm here, baby. I'm here with you."

He just nuzzled his face in her neck trying his best to calm down "It's not because of you, I promise" she tried to soothe him. "I'm sorry for scarring you like this" she tried to hold her tears back. "I'm so sorry, baby" she kept rubbing his back to calm him down.

"I'm so sorry for saying that." He said "I didn't mean-"

"I know you didn't mean it" she didn't want him to feel hurt anymore. "You don't mean to hurt anyone. I know you" she sadly kissed his face.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now