Awkward Encounter

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Sakura's PoV

"Be my girlfriend" he said "please?" I had momentary flashbacks for a while until I felt his hand on mine asking me if I was alright.

"Ushijima san..." I was at loss for words.

"Tell me" he never looked away.

"What if things go bad?"

"I'll protect you" he said in a heartbeat, "you don't have to worry about anything," He knew I wasn't talking about that, but he-

My head was in a rumble.

"I know what you went through. I saw it. Well, most of it at least" Ushijima san actually spoke so much in one breath for the first time.

"I have my manners above all, Sakura. You can count on me for that" he smiled. He actually smiled. He didn't realise how it melted my heart, maybe he never will. "If you think this won't work, I'm still here. I was your friend first."

Now he was the one doing all the talking. His voice had so much bass, my insides hummed in resonance while my throat went dry. All I could see before me was a man of divine Odin's creation with a heavenly voice and the brain of stellar perfection. To top it all, he was a man of manners. The perfect gentleman.

"Well..." I hesitated.

"What do you want to know?" He said sitting in his chair.

"Umm... well" I said.

"You're too far" he flatly said, pulling my chair close like I weighed absolutely nothing and our faces were so close. His piercing eyes had started to become the death of me.

"I need to know of your previous relationships if I've to say yes" I blurted almost inaudibly.

"Sounds fair" he said. "Umm, I was mostly detached. I was in a few because they wouldn't leave me alone. I was serious about Aiko but she turned out to be... not what I thought she was and Sara... well, same"

"That's very vague"

He coldly, but deeply inhaled like he was gonna throw a bomb at my face "Aiko broke my heart and Sara almost did too. I've been in 7 relationships before, mostly physical" that was a bomb in my face.

'Mostly physical!!??'

"Are you judging me?"

"No" I violently shook my head.

"What about you?" He asked and I froze.

"Oikawa san" was all I said as my head dropped and his hand found its way to mine, his eyes examining my every single move.

"You really loved him didn't you?" He asked and I gave him a soft nod.

"Do you still?"

"He's had a special place in my heart for a while. But it's different now." I said. "It's just that..."

"I'd never cheat on you" he said and I just gulped.

"Why would I cheat on someone as perfect as you?" He smiled. I thought I was dreaming.

"Okay" I said looking at my fingers.

"Huh?" He blinked.

"I'll... be your girlfriend" I said and found myself suspended in the air the next moment. Without another word, he walked to the couch and laid me there before collapsing beside me and pulled me into his arms, grabbing the remote. I missed that feeling so much.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now