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You guys are the light of my life, literally. Pulling me out of the dark. Like Manta Rays (I just love Manta Rays). 50k reads? I'm crying. You guys are some real gems, I just started this book thinking I'd give up halfway but that really didn't happen so... I'm just speechless. I really have the nicest, the kindest angels around me here. Thank you very much, I'm much more grateful than words can describe. I promise. ♥️

~Also that's one of my favourite pictures of Ushijima~

"Toshi san, I'm here" Sakura said stepping into his house. Decembers are really cold.

"Come in, baby, I was just-" he paused looking at her.

"Didn't I tell you to put on a warmer jacket?"

"It is warm!"

"Why don't you understand when I say you'll get cold? Do you like hypothermia? Frostbites?"

"You're... talking a lot" she just blinked.

"And only you get to hear it, I've turned the heater on get warm soon" he was scolding like there's no tomorrow and she coyly smiled knowing that he had already predicted her choice of jackets and kept the living room warm for her. She scurried away to get rid of the cold.

She munched on the ramen he made. "This is delicious. Thank you" she kissed his cheek.

He was abnormally quiet.

'Once he's all hyper then he's super silent. Weirdo for sure'

"Tell me what it is" she said.

"What?" His thought process was interrupted.

"Whatever is bothering you." She said.

"Oh, that..." he hesitated for a second.

He took a deep breath and

"I'm trying to find Dad"

"Wha-" the soup burnt her throat.

"Sakura!" He had her drink some water.

"Spicy! Hot!" she was in tears as she coughed.

"Are you alright, baby? Look at me" Ushijima was worried. He wiped her stray tears away and softly placed kisses on her face as she settled down.

"I'm better now, thank you" she sighed in relief once she was better. He had spaced out again. She stealthily slid into his lap and put her arms around his neck. "Tell me more"

"He's been overseas ever since the divorce. I happened to bump into one of his friends the other day." He said looking at the window, his eyes set on the snowfall outside, through the window panes. "My dad happened to call him while we spoke."


"He asked me if I wanted to talk to him..." his brows scrunched as he looked down to see his girlfriend with their cat in her arms, cuddling against his chest. "...I was so nervous I declined. And now he thinks I don't want to talk to him"

"Why would you do that?!" She slightly jumped scaring Inu. His face dropped.

"But it's alright" she tried to cheer him up "We can get his number from the friend you met"

"He must've thought I hate him" he ran his hand through his hair.

"Nonsense, he's your dad after all. He'd want to talk to you. How long has it been?"

"Over a... decade?" He hesitated and she gasped.

"Toshi san... lets go get his number" she hopped off his lap and pulled his arm.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now