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When the winter holidays ended, all the fiasco in the Ushijima household had calmed down. His mother still wasn't on good terms with his dad but things had gotten way better than before. His parents had gone to Hokkaido to meet his grandparents so there was tension everywhere at his place.

"You seem disturbed" Sakura's cold hand held his.

"Why's your hand so cold?" He scowled as took both her hands in his and blew hot air over them.

"Tell me" she asked again.

"It's the usual, you don't have to worry" he let out a bittersweet smile.

"It's isn't! Why don't you come over so I can ask my mother to make your favourites?" She asked with a bright smile.

"How about you come over and we cook together?" Nothing could beat that.


"YOU FOOLS! I CUT YOU SOME SLACK DURING THE BREAK AND YOU BECOME ABSOLUTE IMBECILES!!!" The demon coach yelled at both teams. Kiyomi was nervously shaking.


"Seems like the girls aren't having it today" Leon said looking over to their side.

Tendou nodded in response "Sakura chan looks like she might pass out" which alerted Ushijima Wakatoshi.

"Where is she?" He bluntly asked.

"Golden boy, what are you gonna do about it?" Tendou maliciously asked.

"Give her bottle" Semi said.

"Carry her home"

"Okay" he picked up her bottle and headed her way.

"We were kidding, you simpleton! The coach is going to kill you!!" Tendou and the others pulled him back.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE TO WAKATOSHI?" The Coach yelled and they all froze. They immediately let go of Ushijima, Goshiki's hand was still gripping Ushijima's, shivering at what the coach said.


Tendou snorted unable to hold his laugh And the others walked away, red in the face.

"So, guys. Is he serious about Sakura chan?" Tendou nonchalantly sipped his bottle eyeing the others. Ushijima was still practising his serves.

"I don't know. He's so distant but isn't at the same time"

"Let's test it out then" Tendou said.

"I'm out!" Goshiki blurted and everyone looked at him.

"Why? You jealous already?" Shirabu snickered.

"Shut up!"

"Okay, so all you gotta do is be super close to her when Ushiwaka is around. Then ask her out. Let's see if we can get a reaction out of that stoic for once" he explained as everyone gathered around.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Leon shook his head

"So, who's gonna do it?" Kawanishi blinked.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" Semi walked towards the big group discussing something like it was a ground breaking event.

They all stopped to look at Semi and he froze.

"We just got our perfect candidate" Tendou narrowed his eyes and grinned.

"OH HELL NO!!" Semi turned the other way but the rest attacked him "Why me?!?!"

"Because you like her" Tendou said pulling him back into the crowd.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now