The Kiss

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Sakura wasn't the unnoticed girl in school anymore. People looked at her in awe and the guys silently remarked how pretty she was, now that they knew she was Oikawa's girlfriend.

"Sakura chan..." Oikawa nonchalantly walked into her class during lunch with two of his friends behind him and all the students of her batch gawked.

"What's he doing in our part of the corridor?"

"He's so hot"

"Sakura is damn lucky"

"He's really tall!"

"He's cuter than he looks on TV"

"Oikawa san?" She looked at him with wide eyes when she realised that he was in her class. He sat in the seat next to hers since she sat in the first row and his friends just stood there giggling about that week's Shonen Jump.

"Do you have practice today?" He asked and she nodded.


"7" she softly said.

"Are you busy after?" He asked and she shook her head.

"Is everything alright, Oikawa Sen-"

"I'm taking you out on a date" he smiled running his thumb over her cheek and she turned bright red.


"Do they still trouble you in class?"

"Not as much" she said.

"Okay, then. It's almost time." He glanced at his watching knowing that the bell would ring anytime soon.

"Okay." She said looking at her fingers.

"Listen up!" he said aloud and she darted her eyes towards him. The whole class was all ears. He stood near the teacher's desk, leaning against it with his arms folded. His face looked much darker as he bore an intimidating look on his face. Even Sakura gulped for a second.

"Don't mess with Sakura chan, alright? She's a very nice person, but I'm not. So don't test me" he said in an almost growl and everyone shuddered under gaze.

"YES!" They answered in unison. His face softened as he shot her a smile on his way out, followed by his friends.

'What was that?' She placed her hand on the chest to calm herself down.


She walked out of the gym after practice and saw Oikawa already there waiting for her.

"Oikawa san... I'm still in my gym clo-"

"You look beautiful nonetheless" he held his hand out to her which she shyly took and they walked out of Kitagawa Daiichi, all the way to a nice little cafe just a little away from there.

He held the door for her and pulled out her chair.

It was a regular place for all the other kids from school.

"Oikawa san..." she looked around anxiously.

"Hmm?" He said, lost in her eyes.

"Why's everyone looking at us?" She tightly gripped the napkin. She jumped when she felt a hand on hers.

"Because you're here with me." He said as a matter of fact. "Also because I'm here with someone gorgeous like you" he kissed the back of her hand and they could hear a few gasps.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now