Steal My Heart Again

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Every time she saw Ushijima her heart would flutter. He was always so strong, inside and out. He was her knight in shining armour when her very soul was ripped apart. She had confided her dreams in Oikawa and now she felt helpless. She questioned how a person could get that low to show their power over the other. Crush their heart like it was their right.

The day she anxiously waited for arrived. The Winter Volleyball Championship. An opportunity to get to the nationals. For the very first time, in her very first year.

Ushijima was someone she found the courage to confide in. Ushijima put her under his cloak. He knew what was happening. He knew what was going to happen next. He never had that feeling for anyone else. He always did what he was supposed to and never got in anyone's way. But this one, she just couldn't be left alone like that. She knew everything about Ushijima, she always looked upto him. How he never faltered.

He was different when she was around. Watchful and gentler. People were taken aback with his behaviour. Even Tendou and the others. He appreciated her for being strong throughout although she reached her limit sometimes. He liked how she tried, how she constantly aimed at being better, how she pushed through. He liked how hungry she was and he wanted to protect that.

They arrived at the stadium and the boys team got off their bus followed by the girls. The whole place fell silent as Ushijima walked inside along with the others, through the deafening crowd. The girls team stayed behind to get their things sorted while the boys went inside to inform them of their attendance.

Ushijima's eyes fell on Aoba Johsai. More like on one person from Aoba Johsai. Oikawa Tooru.

Oikawa, as usual, was surrounded by girls, who were giving him cookies they had baked themselves trying to woo the captain of Aoba Johsai. Ushijima was furious with one glance. He couldn't look at the asshole anymore.

(Cue the big drums)

"SHIIIRATORIZAWA!" People from their school cheered.

Oikawa's PoV

The stadium was packed and the crowd was nuts. I saw Iwaizumi shaking for a brief moment before trying to take me away from the ladies. Then the arena fell silent and all our eyes moved towards the door.


I've always lost to him, every year in junior high and the last year too. It was frustrating how I practised so much every single day while he just glided through. That smug face. I hated that smug face. The Shiratorizawa girls weren't anywhere around and I briefly saw all the other girls' teams sigh in relief. They won both in the boys and the girls category last year.

Karasuno won in their first round and we breezed through, pummelling Chidoryiama.

Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, we were going against them next and I couldn't wait to wipe the floor with Kageyama's face.

We stood on our side of the court.

"Okay everyone" I turned my head towards our team "I'm counting on you" I said.

They couldn't make out if I was threatening them or being sweet and I wanted to keep it that way. The girls were cheering for me and I couldn't help feel at bliss. The bliss was however temporary.

'Does Sakura chan still play volleyball?'

I shook that thought away.

Karasuno and Aoba Johsai were going neck to neck. We were two points ahead of them but their team had incomprehensibly improved from our last practice match.

It was Tobio's serve and I smirked at him "Let's see what we can make of Tobio-kun now. Maybe throw his service down the drain" making him scrunch and curse under his breath. It was working, he was growing impatient.

"Oye, Oikawa. You don't mince words, do you?" Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes at me.

"Uh oh... was I too mean?" I faked a smile and everyone shivered for a second.

And then it happened. My confidence went crashing...

"TOBIYAMA!" We heard a girl's voice from the balcony. I didn't even have to turn to recognise her.

"S-Sakura..." a whisper escaped my lips. Tobio was frozen in his spot, he was so shocked the ball dropped from his hand and the entire arena was now looking at her. I slowly turned my head to see her and regretted all that I did to her.

My eyes fell on the glowy brunette I pursued not long ago. She had donned her jersey and man did she sweep all the boys present there off their feet. Her glossy, dark, voluminous hair flowed down to her waist. Her eyes had been my favourite, those captivating eyes. She had grown so beautiful. Like a serene angel. Still the little porcelain doll she used to be but so womanly. Hot was an understatement.

My knees went jelly. I almost dropped on the hardwood, my mouth slightly fell open. I had fallen for her again. Like I had during the tryouts in junior high. I briefly looked at her lips. Those soft, pink lips that I savoured a year ago. I remembered how it always brought me back to life. And now... she stole my heart again without even trying.


"W-Who is she?"

"She's from Shiratorizawa?"

"She's so beautiful"

"How does Kageyama know her?"

Even Karasuno was gawking at her. She really was too much for them.

"You better not embarrass me" she folded her hands scoffing at Kageyama and he just nodded, his eyes still wide in shock as the buzz cut Tanaka shook him awake "how do you know her? Kageyama! Introduce me to her!"

Even Karasuno's ace and the captain had nosebleeds.

She then looked at me and our eyes locked. That moment, all I wanted to tell her was how sorry I am and take her in my arms again showering all the kisses on her. Her raven hair was longer than it used to be, her features softer but her eyes, her eyes had lost the light. She looked at me for a few seconds and turned her eyes towards Tobio. I knew I had no right to be jealous but I was the one wrapped around her finger now.

The whistle blew and Kageyama served the ball right at me. It moved past my head and hit the floor. I couldn't even move my limbs. I knew I had fucked up. My mind was royally fucked now that I saw her.

Tobio was aware of what had happened between us. Karasuno called for a timeout. He looked at her and then at me. I was watching his every move without even flinching.

"So, Sakura chan is here to cheer you" I mocked him.

"Yeah, and I'll beat you for her" Tobio flatly said.

"So will we! We'll beat you for Sakura chan" A few others from his team also joined unaware of the situation.

"Alright, Kageyama..." this turned personal for me "I'll beat your ass right before her very eyes..." I walked up to him "and get her back"

His eyes widened in shock. "She'll kill you before that"

We won against Karasuno in the third set. Kageyama was pissed at himself but I could see Sakura sigh in satisfaction. I knew we had won the match but I still felt like I lost it because she didn't even look at me. Ushijima and a few boys from their team walked in making brief conversation with her about the other match.

And when she finally looked at me, a few girls cut my concentration asking me to take pictures with them and telling me how amazing I was. I saw her eyes twitch like it used to when we were together and the girls interrupted me in junior high.

"Say, Oikawa san, are you single?"

Something came over me. I didn't have control over my limbs anymore.

"No." I said aloud "I'm in love with someone" I stretched my hand out and pointed my finger straight at Sakura, the girls whined in disappointment, the boys from my team choked and Sakura stopped dead in her tracks along with the few of her teammates present there. I wasn't wrong. I wasn't even lying. She had taken control of me, even the words that fell out of my mouth.

Ushijima glared like he'd mince me any second. I felt his eyes burn holes in my head and then it occurred to me.

'Ushijima likes her too'

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now