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You guys are seriously giving me so much life. I swear, you guys are fire. I mean it. I love y'all so damn much. Thank you for your time, patience, literally everything. ♥️

Sakura's eyes fluttered open and she realised she was still in Wakatoshi's arms. She sat up looking at his handsome face, he looked so relaxed. Like a baby. She didn't remember falling asleep with him and her memory stored nothing vividly after her fourth orgasm. It was like she was intoxicated and forgot things. That was scaring her a little.

"Mmh" Ushijima groaned in his sleep tightening his arm around her and pulled her back into his chest before his eyes struggled themselves open. He looked a little worn out.

"Are you hurting, baby?" He was so sweet.

"No. You?" She asked and he smirked, like it supposedly meant 'I'm so strong I'm never sore'

"I've to go" she whispered and his face tightened.

"Don't" he locked her in his arms.

"Toshi san... you know I can't stay" she kissed his nose.

"I wish you could, baby" he sleepily murmured "at least let me cook for you"

"Pasta" she smiled like a kid.


Sakura freshened up a little before heading downstairs in his shirt and saw Ushijima cooking... shirtless.

"Where's your shirt?" She asked, her face already a little flustered.

"On you" he smiled "Since you're never done gawking I thought I'd keep it off" he said. She couldn't figure out if he was being truthful or playful. He paused when he saw her in his shirt. He liked seeing her in his shirt, that oversized shirt hanging on her delicate frame got his mind having brief flashbacks of what they did not long ago. Now he was the one staring.

The door knocked.

"But my parents aren't even in Japan" he mumbled catching her attention. He turned the hob off before heading towards the door.

"Ushiwaka!!" Sakura bolted towards to the door as soon as she heard a squeaky female voice. Her mouth fell agape when she saw the girl hugging her shirtless boyfriend with her legs around his torso. He was horrified.

"You're so fucking handsome" she kissed his cheek.

"What are you doing here?" He peeled the girl off him and coldly asked her.

"What do you mean? I just moved to Miyagi. Didn't you miss me?" She cooed stepping closer to him and he just took a step back. "Are your parents not home?" She seductively said eyeing his Greek god bod.

"Why are you here?" He flatly asked her.

"What the fuck? Don't act like you don't remember me" She scolded. Her eyes peeked to look at the other girl behind him. She sneered looking at the long raven haired girl whose scathing beauty would make anybody envious "Who's that bitch? And why is she in your shirt?"

Sakura gasped in horror. That was disrespectful.

"Get out" his brows furrowed in anger.

"What?" She was confused.

"I said leave. Now. Get out"

"Why are you being so harsh?"

"You walk in like you can anytime and disrespect my girlfriend. Do I look like a very tolerant person to you?" His blaring voice echoed through the silent house and she looked at him in shock.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now