Break The High Wall

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21:23 Shiratorizawa was in the lead.

"TAKE IT BAAACCKK!" Furuya was having his moment there. It was a freaking war cry. His teammates were pumped hearing their captain in his full spirits.

"Aye, captain. We'll take it back" their libero smiled managing to receive Ushijima's serve with much difficulty. His left hand was falling heavy on Kaifukan. Furuya's spikes were killer. He broke through Tendou's blocks with a superior spike.


"It's almost useless trying to block him" Semi growled.

"So we'll receive it" Ushijima prepared himself for the captain's serve.



"YUU SAAAANNN!" Even the girls cheered from the balcony and everyone present there were on the edge of their seats.

'How is he that incredible?' Sakura's eyes were glossy, her hopes were withering little by little.

Ushijima's footwork was top tier. He held his ground and received the ace's serve. They received Ushijima's spike with great difficulty. The ball was far long but their setter ran all the way out and tossed the ball yo Furuya who spiked a cut shot.


The tension grew. People were chewing on their hands.

Sakura shook all the negative thought flooding her mind and got thinking. Their coach was losing his damn mind jumping in his seat anxiously.

"Sensei" she said and Coach Washijo called for a timeout.

"This is horrible. When did he get that good?" Reon flopped on the bench with a towel on his head.

"Tendou Senpai" Sakura looked at him "their setter takes a second to toss"

Not everybody understood it.

"No way!" Tendou looked at her like she cracked an impossible mystery. "I don't have to guess block anymore then..."

"What else?" Ushijima asked. He was desperate.

"Keep an open mind" she said.

"Their blockers are fine" Reon said.

"The only fool proof way to get rid of them is a synchro attack" she said.

"How?" Semi kneeled before he "I've seen it, but tell me how it works."

"First tempo, everyone flukes... everyone but one. And that's upto Shirabu Senpai to decide" she pointed at him.

"Knowing his unpredictability you might just get through"

Ushijima had a towel on his head as he gulped the energy drink.

"If you incorporated speed into your attacks you will be unstoppable" he remembered the coach's words.

The timeout ended and they walked back. Ushijima received Furuya's serve.

"Keep an open mind"

His eyes scanned all the blockers as he ran towards the right, his usual side of the court but gave a dead stop and turned the other way as Shirabu's eyes widened. Ushijima jumped as Shirabu tossed spiking a slide hit.

"USHIJIMA!!" "USHIJIMA!" His school cheered.

Sakura couldn't have been prouder. Her baby bird was evolving before her very eyes.

"Where'd that come from?"

"Wakatoshi was always the traditional guy, keeping it simple... looks like he's up for trying new things thanks to Sakura" Furuya scoffed.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now