That One Mistake

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Two weeks passed and Sakura had blended in with her new team. She knew their team was strong, but this strong? She was in for a ride. 

She was early for practice that evening.

"Hey" Tendou walked up to her. "I need your help here"

"Tendou san?" She looked at him in surprise.

"You've the perfect float serve and I really want to learn how to effectively receive one... I can't seem to get it where I want to" he said "the full team's not here yet. We're waiting for four of them. Ushiwaka takes a longer run like usual... it's a drag" he scoffed.

She hadn't seen him since she joined Shiratorizawa. She had begun to have her doubts, that is if he really existed. Phantom ace much.

She agreed to help with what he asked for. He could barely receive her float serves. Most of them on their team couldn't.

"Dude, she could actually beat our team if she really tried" Semi said.

"Absolutely not, you guys are really strong" she said.

"Alright, then. Show us your best serve. Ya know... the Sniper special" Tendou nonchalantly said.

"Umm... I'll try" she softly said.

"I've never heard her talk. This is something" Semi was definitely crushing on her.

She let out a deep breath and looked at the ball in her hand. She scanned the court that was guarded by the wildebeests. She had practiced this serve for a really long time after learning it from Oikawa. She moved farther than usual and everyone stood ground. The girls team also walked in and froze at the door intently looking at Sakura.

Sakura threw the ball high up, giving more anxiety to the guys on the other side. She jumped hitting the ball with such force it bounced off of Semi's hand hurting him in the process. Sakura stopped breathing when she saw where it was headed. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. The ball spun in the air and...

...hit Ushijima Wakatoshi in the back of his head.

She knew it wasn't good. It didn't look good, it didn't sound good. She knew it must've really, really hurt.

And now she was really, really scared.

Sakura felt her legs tremble. The whole gym gasped in shock. Not a soul could move. Sakura covered her mouth, unable to digest it still. She hit Ushijima Wakatoshi the first time she ever saw him after doubting his very existence, and the girls were terrified for her. The boys' team just gulped. She hesitantly hurried to his aid as he stood rubbing his head, where the ball just about smacked him out of his senses.

He turned around to look at the person who was responsible for this and she froze. Never had she been this intimidated by Oikawa Tooru. Or by anyone else.

She felt her soul leave her body when she saw his face.

"U-Ushijima san!" Sakura clams her eyes shut and bows in a sincere apology "I AM... S-SORRY!"

She had shocked Ushijima Wakatoshi beyond his wildest imagination and he couldn't help stare blankly at her. She was terrified, so terrified she was trembling.

"I really am sorry!" She slowly raised her head to meet his eyes. She peeked at him with one of her eyes still closed only to see his expressionless face. Her eyes met his and she stopped breathing. She didn't understand the funny feeling she was getting. He was intimidating, tall and ginormous. He was towering over her, ignoring his pounding head.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now