Another One 🍋

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This is Part 95 and I'm so close to dying. I'm gonna miss writing this. Ahhh. I love you guys way too much for this to end. I know you hate seeing this crappy countdown at the beginning of every chapter but bear it for five more times and then I'll just fuck off... to make another fanfic.

I'm just hyped as fuck. So, let's continue.

Oh, also....

There's Lemon 🍋

"Toshi!" Sakura called her two year old. It was a little past his bed time already and he was yawning nonstop in Wakatoshi's arms while they watched TV together.

"Hai..." she heard two voices instead.

"Ah, Toshi san, gomen" she giggled "I was calling my baby"

"Wow" he scoffed "that hurts"

"Sato, baby, come here" she opened her arms for the toddler who tackled her in full speed. "Mama!" he loudly screeched in delight.

"Oh, You're such a good baby." She tenderly said "Mama loves you" she peppered kisses all over his face and he giggled.

Wakatoshi rolled his eyes and got off the couch walking past her like she wasn't there.

"Toshi san, come here!" She let out a soft laugh.


"Ah, Gomen..." she walked behind him but tripped on a step. She protectively held her son tight "Ahh!"

"Fuck" Ushijima sprinted right back to hold the two from falling. "Don't get my son hurt" he coldly said.

"He's not hurt-" she worriedly examined the kid in her arms but paused "What do you mean your son? What about me?"

"What about you? I'm not even your baby anymore. Why should I care?" He raised his brows.

"Sir, is everything alright?" His bodyguards rushed. Considering his fame, he really needed the protection. Especially after his wife was attacked. "We're fine" he said without taking his eyes off Sakura. They left the scene before things got awkward for them.

Her face frowned "Fine" she mumbled trying to get away from him but his grip tightened and she shot a look at him only to see that his face had softened. "Are you hurt, princess?" His voice was laced with concern, he couldn't put up that act any longer.

Her breath hitched under his gaze "I'm fine." She whispered. His eyes traced her lips before daring to look back into her gorgeous eyes. He slowly leaned forward until their lips barely touched.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered before he let himself melt into the kiss. One of her hands ran up his shoulder and into his hair, deepening their kiss. Ushijima circled his arm under her legs and picked her up while she held their son. He headed to their room without breaking their kiss.

"I'll just put him to bed" Sakura broke the kiss with much difficulty and he put her back down.

"Mamaaaa..." the toddler yawned extending his arms towards her as soon as she tucked him in.

(I just yawned several times wtf)

"I'm right here, baby. Otosan is here too" she said kissing his forehead.

Ushijima just looked at his wife put his son to sleep, in admiration. His baby looked just like him but with darker eyes like Sakura's, he was stuck to her at all times. She was only a visiting surgeon at the hospital, she started private practice since it was more feasible to spend time with her son. Since she specialised in sports medicine, she had a lot of people from Ushijima's trade as her patients too. She also had all the more reasons to go to his games with Sato who already loved watching his father play.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now