Ushijima Satoshi

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You guys give me so much life

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You guys give me so much life. I love you guys so much... arghh! ♥️♥️♥️

Ushijima limped out of his car all the way to his door. Sakura was ready and waiting for him to arrive so they could get to Satoshi's final match as soon as possible.

"Sakura..." he softly groaned in pain.

"Toshi... san" her voice died down when she saw him. "Kami, what happened?"

"I think I sprained my ankle" he guiltily said through the pain and she huffed in disappointment. "Let me see"

"I'm so fortunate to have married a doctor" he smiled but that smile disappeared when she turned his ankle "That hurts!" He bit his lip.

"It looks bad." She mumbled. "Wait right here" she went back inside while rummaging through her mind. His eyes stung when she pressed an ice pack against the injury.

"You should stay back and rest" she ran her hand through his hair.

"I can't" Ushijima looked straight into her eyes.

"It's okay. Sato will understand"

"I know he will... but" Ushijima looked away "I don't want to disappoint my son"

She held back her smile and quickly put a relief patch on before strapped his ankle in a brace. "That should hold it off for a while" she said before helping him out the door, "I'll drive" she took the keys from him.

She slid the seat backwards as he watched her with a confused face. She placed his shoes on the mat and helped him in. She stretched his leg and placed it elevated on the dashboard. "Rest it there" she said getting into the driver's seat.

Satoshi's match was about to begin. "Sako, have you seen Kaasama?" He was getting restless.

"She's not here yet... are you... really expecting Papa to show up?" She tilted her head and scoffed at his despondency when she realised that he was more than internally pining for their father to show up. "You're hopeless"

"He will" Satoshi looked at his feet.

"He has the Olympics in two weeks. He doesn't have the time to see a junior high match. Face it" she flatly laid it out for him. She was a wise girl with no expectations, she was careful enough to not hurt herself or others with it.

"But he promised" his voice barely escaped his lips.

"Don't disappoint yourself, go play" she coldly pushed him towards the court.

Satoshi wasn't playing his game no matter how hard he tried. He wasn't the same ace he was on the regular.

"Satoshi!" He froze in his feet when he heard the stern voice at the doors of the gymnasium. He saw his father walk in with a disappointed face and Satoshi, who was the last person to want to receive a cold glare from Wakatoshi, didn't even mind it. He was so happy he made it. He looked at Wakatoshi who was carefully hiding his limp but his kids could clearly see his veil. Sawako looked dumbstruck. He was the last person she expected to see there. "Pa... pa" she mouthed in shock. The gymnasium fell silent when Wakatoshi walked in. He had the same dense aura he did decades ago. He intimidated people without even realising it, like it was his first nature. Satoshi gulped when he saw "Japan" embroidered on his father's jacket.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now