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They spent the next day embarrassing Ushijima to the fullest. Utsui Takashi showed her all of Ushijima's pictures as a kid and her eyes twinkled.

"Oh, Kami. He's so cute!!!"

"Everyone pinched his cheeks. He got the most attention in our family" his father laughed.

They headed back home that evening. Sakura had fallen asleep in his arms halfway in the train as Ushijima silently watched her for the rest of their journey. People paused to gawk at him as he carried her sleeping figure out of the train station bridal style and walked all the way home. He didn't want to wake her up. She had done more for him than words could ever mean and the least he thought he could do was get her some uninterrupted rest even if it was by carrying her all the way home.

Tetsuro opened the door and his jaw dropped "IS SHE OKAY?!"

"She's asleep" he flatly said.

"You could've woken her up, you know" her brother said letting him in.

"She's exhausted" he said walking inside and laid her on the couch. Tetsuro got her a warm blanket and draped her with it.

"Wakatoshi" his mother entered. "Stay for dinner"

"I must get going. I've bothered you enough already" he said taking a step backwards only to have Tetsuro snake his arm tightly around Ushijima's neck.

"Awh, come on. I wanna know what you did on your trip" it sounded more threatening than inviting but Ushijima, being Ushijima didn't sense it.

Tetsuro and his mother were speechless when Ushijima told them the whole story.

"Chibi did that?" He fake cried "She's growing up so fast"

"I hope she didn't trouble your father too much" her mother said with an apologetic look on her face.

"He was delighted to see her. All of this wouldn't have happened without her. I'm very grateful" he looked at his rice bowl.

Halfway through dinner Sakura woke up. She rubbed her eyes, surprised that she was already home. Her back was sore from the long journey but she knew Ushijima's plight would've been much worse. She heard the same deep, arousing voice boom through the dining room and shot from the couch.

"Oh, Chibi... you're awake." Tetsuro smiled at her "He said you snored a lot and didn't let anyone sleep"

"What?! I don't snore... Gomen" she apologised to her boyfriend.

"You didn't. He's teasing" Ushijima said eating the pickled vegetables.

"Niisan, when did you get here?" She asked.

"Last evening. How was that Unagi by the way?" He was curious. He loved Unagi.

"Oh, it was so delicious" her eyes twinkled. Her attention diverted downwards when Inu cuddled against her feet.

"Aww, my baby. You look so pale. Did you even eat?" She cuddled her cat and went back outside. The cat was clearly enjoying all the attention. Ushijima was slightly jealous looking at the cat getting all cozy in her arms as she said nice things to him.

"Aren't you the cutest boy in the world?" she said and he mewed in response, affectionately rubbing himself against her.

'She's never told me that'

"Ahem..." Tetsuro held in a smile, catching Ushijima's attention after he saw the frown on the ace's face.

"Has practice for Spring championships begun already?"

"It has. And yours?"

"They've started tormenting us even before our exams began" Tetsuro yawned. "Karasuno was at our camp this time"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now