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Sakura was the new gem in school now. Making it to the U-19 team in her very first year. Ushijima made it in his first year too but she beat his record by three months.

"SAKURA!" Her mother screamed and she rushed to her aid.

Her mother held in her hand the newest issue of Monthly Volleyball. "You look so pretty here" her mother said in awe and Sakura collapsed on the floor. "I thought you fell sick or something"

"Wait, what?" Realisation hit her and she swiftly sprung from the floor to see the magazine. She was featured as the new regular to the U-19 team. She silently smiled in satisfaction and her mother hugged her crying.

"You've to stop crying" she chuckled hiding her own tears "Kaasan, I'm gonna be late to school"

"Your Tosan would be so proud of you" she said and Sakura's smile fell.

"Look Wakatoshi is also featured." She said.

"He's in every issue." Sakura smiled, internally pouting thinking about all the girls that get to look at his gorgeous face.

"I remember him" she flipped the pages to where Oikawa san was.

"He's sort of a regular too" she scoffed picking her bag up and her phone beeped.

"Oh, Toshi san is here. I'll see you later" she kissed her mother's cheek before heading out the door.

Ushijima san held in his hand an issue of monthly volleyball and she bit back a laugh.

"You saw it?" He asked and she nodded.

"You know my mother" she said pulling his hand towards school "Why do you look so good?" She whined flipping the pages to show him his picture.

"Oh, I'm there too?"

"When are you not?" She was engrossed in his picture skipping across the bridge when she abruptly heard a loud honk.

"Sakura!" Ushijima swiftly circled his arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest as a car swiftly sped past them. The magazine in her hand fell into the water below the bridge and she gasped.

"Sumimasen" she was still in a shock.

"Are you alright?" He checked if she was hurt.

"I dropped your book" she said still looking at it partially float in the soft current.

"To hell with the book, I have more of those. Are you alright??!" He wasn't even remotely concerned about the book.

"I am" She blinked "you have more copies?"

He looked at her with a hint of guilt in his eyes.

"Why do you have so many???" She was already peeking into his bag and he gave up before he could even put up a fight.

"Well." he looked at her. He refused to talk.

"I'm waiting" she folded her hands.

"I..." he stopped again. He couldn't understand why it was so hard for him to just blurt it out.

"You..." she was waiting for an answer from him.

"...bought every copy in the shop" he softly confessed like a kid who got caught stealing candies.

"Don't tell me it's because of that cute libero... Aneko? Yeah, Aneko" she poked.

"What? No" he said.

"Then why?" She asked and he simply turned around walking towards school.

"Toshi san..." she pulled his arm "I wanna know..." she whined.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now