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Sakura's PoV

Ushijima san was a lot darker than just his appearances. The man he is with his team and all, he's not the same otherwise. He's so calm, straightforward, always to himself when he's outside but when we're alone, that's not who he is. And I loved that part of him way too much.

The star he is out there, the perfect man with the perfect hair, the perfect body and the perfect face swaying everyone with his perfect voice and his magnetic minimalist behaviour that made all the girls drool, even me... he was much simpler than that. He smiled, hell, he even laughed with me. He wouldn't hold back so much and I was honoured to be his safe haven. I was very surprised and not to mention, very fortunate to have discovered this side of his all to myself. But what remained the same in both his worlds were his love, his straightforwardness, his manners and his gentlemanly ways.

I especially loved his switch. The switch that'd flip when we were outside. He's carefully affectionate; he'd always be extra composed and I would say that it was involuntary, considering the eyes on him at all times. Understandable.

No matter where we were, he'd always keep an eye on me. He'd make sure I ate and stayed warm.

He headed back to his place later that day and returned back to mine late in the evening so I didn't have to sleep alone.

"Sakura, you have mail" he walked in with the mail in his hand.

"Okaerinasai" I tippy toed and kissed him before taking the envelope from his hand and froze looking at it.

"Is everything okay?" He asked as I eyed the envelope.

I tore the cover and handed him the letter "Please read it for me, I can't do it"

His eyes read the first line and his face tensed as he vigorously went through the contents of the letter and his brows raised in shock. I hadn't seen this expression on his face. I was a giant heap of anxious mess.

"You've been called..." he said and raised his eyes to meet mine "for the selection process, this Saturday"

"Oh, KAMI!" I kneeled palming my mouth shut.

"I don't... what is this?" It was rare to see him confused like that. RARE. Ushijima is someone who knows what he's doing. But this he didn't.

"I had been invited to the crash training before I joined Shiratorizawa"

"Stop!" he said. "We had our first selection camp halfway through my freshman year. How'd you get in?"

"I don't know. I didn't see you there, neither did I see Sakusa san"

"That's because we're already on the team. We never made it to crash camp. It's like privileged selection for the national team. Most get picked from the crash camp. And only one amongst the top three aces was from the crash camp last year." He talks so much only when he's talks about volleyball and volleyball alone. Period.

"You didn't make it?" I asked in disbelief and he smiled shaking his head.

"Who's the one that made it then?" She blinked.

"Wakatsu Kiryu" he said.

"Mujinazaka high?" My eyes glistened "Sugoi! But you're so amazing I can't believe you didn't. You go like this... and you jump so high then you go pow! And so fast!" I explained the best I could and he just looked at me in awe. I really lost my words when it came to volleyball and he didn't seem to mind, he found it rather amusing. He must think I'm weird.

"But I tried to work a little harder because I didn't make it to the crash camp. Then I barely made it to the team." He was so modest about it. I know he slogged his ass off to get to the top three. He's called super ace for a reason. An apparent reason. He didn't barely make it, don't buy what he says.

"I'm sure you were the youngest there." He pecked my lips breaking me out of my trance and my heart fluttered. "Congratulations"

"Save it for when I actually make it" I scoffed and he snorted. He was full of surprises.

"You're my girlfriend. It's only obvious that you'll make it" he flatly said resolving to his primary stoic emotions and I just shrugged at his confidence. But I melted at the first sentence, not gonna lie.

There was a minute long silence.

"Are you sure it says my name on the top?" I asked him and he just walked away not paying anymore attention to my ramblings.

"Ano sa..." I followed him to the kitchen and he plainly looked at me "There was this other person who was in his second year..."

"Two? There's usually only one or zero." He didn't almost believe me.

"Why?" I didn't understand the big deal about this

"Nobody ever makes it to crash camp. Unless it's you of course." He said and I rolled my eyes at him "If you're in, it means you're kinda already on the team. Wait-" he paused and looked at me for a second there "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"I didn't, I'm sorry!" I squealed under his intimidating gaze.

"Who were the others at the camp, then?" I tried to divert the subject.

"The regulars from team Japan. Not the U-19. The actual guns undergoing training. That's why it's so special." He blankly said and my mouth fell ajar.

"OH shit..." I felt like I didn't deserve it. I didn't know jack shit.

"But you deserve it" he smiled at me as though he read my mind. He smiled. "You're pretty awesome"

Hearing that from a top ace himself is a privilege and a dream come true.

"You said there was another person"

"Do you know Atsumu san? He's a second year"

"Miya Atsumu?" He raised his brow. "He made it this time, huh?"

I nodded. "He's weird though."

"Their school is one to watch out for the nationals." He said.

"Inarizaki." We said in unison. I honestly loved these conversations. The deep, soul connecting ones. We were lucky to have our interests match. So, talking about volleyball was our kinda talk.

The week went by in a whiff. We'd watch movies where he'd hopelessly doze off most of the times, or watch volleyball recordings of other schools, or sit outside stargazing with his arms warmly wrapped around me, or on the bed with his fingers choking me just right as he'd ride me through my orgasm.

"I'm going to miss you staying over" I said and he let out a small smile.

"Move in with me then" he said and I hit his shoulder.

"Arigato" I thanked him wholeheartedly. "You've been so patient with me, you came over all week and even kinda looked after me"

"And you've been a good girl" he kissed my forehead. "You're my habit now..."

"Along with a few new habits" I chuckled completing his sentence. I kissed his cheek and he slightly blushed making my legs go jelly.

He kissed my lips in return, his hand riding up my skirt and I was already damp.

"It was nicer when you had hickeys and wore tights under this ridiculous skirt" he growled as I softly moaned his name.

"We're... going to be... late" I stuttered and he stooped when he realised the same.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now