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"What?" Sakusa blinked. He wasn't in the least bit worried about Ushijima. "You barely talk to her"

"Oh..." he let go of Sakusa "I messed up there" he flatly said.

"Well, you better not or I'm going for her" Sakusa shrugged.

Ushijima was going to pound him alive.

"Please stop" Sakura squealed, she was still terrified. "It's my fault. You two shouldn't be fighting"

"Aren't you a little too modest?" Sakusa plainly asked her.

"Always" Ushijima deadpanned.

"Well, if Wakatoshi doesn't treat you right, I will." he winked and Ushijima's hand stretched forward to grab his neck but Sakura pulled him backwards "Sakusa san!"

Sakura snuck in the middle breaking the tension between them and took both their right hands, joining it. "Now shake hands" she said.

"If you won't let go of my hand, Sakura, I could shake his hand forever" Sakusa dreamily said and Ushijima's hand painfully clenched his.

"Alright! Don't break it!" Sakusa retracted his hand in pain.

Ushijima, who was behind Sakura circled his arm around her shoulder and pulled her against him, her back crashing his chest.

"She's too awesome for a snob like you" Sakusa shook his hand to rid the pain.

"Fuck off" Ushijima coldly said and Sakura jumped in fright. Sakusa's eyes widened. They wouldn't have imagined Ushijima losing his manners in a million years.

Sakusa smirked knowing that he was the most successful in getting on his nerves.

"We're leaving" Ushijima turned around and pulled Sakura along with him

"Sumimasen!" Sakura apologised when she was certain that she couldn't break free from his grip.

Sakusa's smile dropped when they were out of sight. 'Her lips are so enticing' he kicked a pebble as he walked back.

Sakura was furious. So was Ushijima.

"What were you thinking?" He asked, almost scolding her.

"I didn't see that coming" she said.

"That's because you've been avoiding me!" He said.

"Which I will keep doing!" She folded her hands.

"What? Why?" Ushijima was frustrated "What the hell is wrong with you?"

She narrowed her eyes at him "Go home" she said.

"I can't..." He ran his fingers through his hair "I can't do this anymore!"

She thought he was kidding. She looked at him in shock. He just broke up with her.

"Gomen" she said and turned the other way, running back home with tears uncontrollably falling down her face. He stood there not knowing what to do. He stood there for a while longer digesting what he just did and walked back home regretting saying that.

Sakura's PoV

I couldn't sleep again. I replayed it in my mind over and over again.

'Was I really that tiring to handle? Was I such a pain in the ass?'

Too much happened. I also couldn't digest the fact that Sakusa san kissed me. It was a crumbling mess in my stomach. The anxiety was building as I rolled on my bed, my eyes not agreeing with me despite my desperate efforts to get a wink.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now