Fun and Games

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry for not updating sooner I am just so anxious knowing this book is gonna run hella long looking at the story's crawling pace and absolutely crappy storyline. I'm also sorry that you'll have to bear with me for quite some time. This one's for everyone of you constantly supporting me and keeping me in my spirits to update this book asap. My love and prayers to all of you. I hope you guys are safe and sound. Thank you very much ♥️


Kamomedai turned out to be a total pain in the ass. Their Star player was their annoying setter Matsuzaka Miori, a third year, who was also the setter for the U-19. She was one of the top setters in the country. With their Ace Hasegawa Sayomi's backing, they were the ultimate duo. Sayomi was ranked amongst the top five aces in Japan in the girls category that year.

Sakura's eyes analysed every movement, every turn, every toss, every touch. Miori's form was so perfect even Sakura envied her.

"She's so cool" her eyes shone. "I want to toss"

"Sakura... this better not be a joke. Your association with Tendou is scaring everyone. You're getting unpredictable by the passing minute" Kiyomi awkwardly smiled and everyone nodded. It was their first timeout.

3:6. Kamomedai was in the lead.

"Isn't that the best part? Being unpredictable" she smiled looking at their opponents. "Yoshia san what do you th-"

"Lucky for you. I miss being the ace." Yoshia high fived Sakura.

"SAAAKURAAAAAA!!" Washijo san was flipping already "If you're gonna simply run around, at least run behind a handsome boy!!"

The boys gawked at him, their eyes were bulging out of their sockets. That was the first time Sakura had to hear from the coach.

"Run behind me, Sakura chan" Semi fanned.

"If only you were handsome" Tendou mocked making others laugh and the two began bickering.

"You haven't spiked! You haven't used your surprise attack, none of your attacks if I must say... stare at Ushijima if you must, not at their damn setter!!!!" Coach Washijo railed at Sakura and Ushijima shot his head to look the coach in disbelief.

The Shiratorizawa boys had their jaws jarred on the floor. Their coach was being pretty flippy. Especially at Sakura. The girls covered their mouths in an attempt to not laugh aloud. Sakura was red in embarrassment. She couldn't believe her ears.

"S-Sumimasen" she said "I was just... studying them"

"Move your limbs too then, this isn't Mathletes!" He scolded.

"H-hai" she stuttered. Ushijima was taken aback by the coach's frustration. He was even more surprised to see Sakura at the receiving end.

"Don't mind" Kiyomi patted her shoulder.

"Sakura, we haven't done our switch in quite some time" she reminded Sakura.

"Ohhh, then I hope you remember everything" Sakura was excited like a little girl with lots of candy in her hand. Yoshia smiled nodding. The timeout was over.

"Kiyomi Senpai" she said before walking back into the court "Keep an eye on the ball"

Kiyomi wondered why Sakura said something so obvious.

Kamomedai served and Yumiko received it. Sakura jumped alerting their opponent's middle blocker but she smiled as she tossed the ball to Yoshia who landed a spike.

"Did she just toss?" Kamomedai was shook. "Isn't she the ace?"

"Sakura! Nice serve!" They said.

Sakura tossed the ball rather high and when she realised how inconvenient it would be, doing her regular jump serve, she decided to try something new. She bent her body forward as she jumped high and angled her hand when the ball impacted her hand. Sakusa, who was watching this froze in his seat. He couldn't move his hands to rub his eyes and check if he were dreaming. Oikawa had a weird expression on his face which clearly said 'What the fuck is she doing??!'

Her new serve was as sharp as a well polished ace's spike. All Kamomedai heard was the referee blowing his whistle indicating that the point had gone to Shiratorizawa. Her new serve wasn't even all that flashy. It just disappeared without a sound. Her eyes were wide as she looked at her hand digesting the feeling of her newfound serve. Her team was speechless.

Sakusa put his hand on his chest and tried his best to breathe.

"Holy... fuck" Tetsuro was scared to look at her. It wasn't even her anymore. Ever since she woke up at the hospital she was Lucifer's new avatar. Or because of Tendou's influence, they couldn't really tell.

The coach abruptly shot from his seat in shock, regretting it when his back snapped. Ushijima's muscles had jammed witnessing it as his eyes roamed her face which clearly bore an evil smile, he looked at her like she was a rainbow made of skittles. She had become his breath of fresh air.

The Kamomedai girls just looked at each other and Bokuto had no words coming out of his mouth. All he could manage to do was shabbily make few unreadable handsigns at everyone around him. Akaashi tried his best to figure it out and eventually gave up.

"She just abused the crap out of your signature spike like its her own" Komori slapped Sakusa's back who just freely moved like his body was fluid. His insides were floating. "splaskidsjkw" his tongue was numb.

"I think you mean to say "splendid"" Komori rolled laughing.

"NO TOUCH AAACEEEE!!!" Her team screamed after a while.

'If that went wrong, Washijo Sensei would send me back to Miyagi running' she gulped eyeing him.

She managed to bag five more service aces after that. She served for the seventh time and their ace Hasegawa dove in to receive it. It went up, and back into Shiratorizawa's side.

Sakura looked at Yoshia who jumped to toss the ball to Sakura. She had managed to toss it to her instead of receiving it.

"It's a toss!!" Their ace screamed and her teammates reacted to her voice, jumping to block Sakura who clearly had something else in her mind.

Sakura did a spike motion only to toss the ball again.

Keep an eye on the ball

Kiyomi jumped smiling as she spiked.

"Oops" Sakura smirked.

"CHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" They screamed taking every soul present there by surprise.

"S-Sugoi" Ushijima managed to say.

"A double toss" Coach Washijo sat stunned "Brilliant" he said.

Shiratorizawa won the first set. Sakura was becoming unreadable by the minute. Kamomedai was frustrated with her confidence, her spikes, her unpredictability, her power.

"She sure packs a punch even though she looks like she can't do a decent toss" Kamomedai's libero scoffed.

But their captain, the setter, was furious as they stood facing their next serve "STOP THAT #7!!!" She screamed and Sakura smiled in satisfaction.

Nothing satisfied her more than being marked, being watched out for, being cornered so she can push right back. They were so focused on Sakura, they didn't see Kiyomi's spike coming.

"Yare Yare..." Kiyomi scoffed after she scored the point "Look who's stealing all our spotlight"

"She's still playing them" Atsumu laughed "She's possessed by pure evil"

Kamomedai made him swallow his own words when they took the second set with a narrow gap. They focused on receiving Sakura's spikes instead of trying to block her, helping their game a great deal.

"It's one thing to be marked" Sakura scoffed wiping her face with a towel "but it's annoying to be ignored"

"Drive her to the very corner until she can't score anymore. She's frustrating as hell." Miori was strongly radiating annoyance. She hadn't come across someone who was as well rounded and irksome at the same time. Little did they know she still had her tricks up her sleeve. The one she'd unveil at the very end, at a point they'd have no time to recover.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now