The Defence With No Holes

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"We'll need to better our defence to win this" for the first time Ushijima was doubting their win, his eyes still on the rival ace. Furuya managed to break into his mind somehow.

"Well, if you're saying this..." Tendou's fazed "Let me whip up something"

"I'll be right back" he said and before anyone said anything he stormed away.


'Strawberry milk, strawberry milk' she sang in her mind walking towards the vending machine. But her head turned to the right and saw a giant butterfly on the wall.

She squealed aloud and tripped backwards against somebody and her back crashed against the vending machine. She hated butterflies more than anything in the world.

"Why do we always meet like this?" Furuya smiled but saw her face drained of colours, her eyes still lingering towards the butterfly. He moved his tall, muscular body covering her line of sight "There, its gone" he smiled.

"A-Arigato" she managed to breathe.

"What's your name?"

"Kuroo... S-Sakura" she said.

"That's a gorgeous name... suits you" he smiled "I'm Furuya Yuudai. You can call me Yuu"

"Sakura... are you related to Kuroo from Nekoma?" He added.

"B-Brother" she said

'Ahh, that makes sense'

"What flavour do you drink?" He asked and she shook her head. She couldn't digest milk anymore with the shock running through her body still. "I drink vanilla" he placed his hand above her head, hovering over her. She quickly pressed the button and the vanilla milk dropped.

"You like it too? How convenient" he darkly said almost touching her face with his free hand.

"She hates vanilla" A very familiar figure shadowed them.

"Wakatoshi... came to say hi?" He smirked standing straight to meet his eyes. "You've grown tall."

"I came to take her back" he coldly said.

"You better watch where you step then, Wakatoshi" he snarled.

"We're leaving" he said and Sakura shakily nodded.

"Did he scare you?" He asked and she shook her head.

"Sakura's scared of butterflies, you see" he said getting out of the way and Ushijima shielded her eyes before she'd look at it.

"Let's go. The match's about to begin." He said to Sakura who nodded and quickly got to his side.

"Yes, I hope you're prepared to lose. Takes a toll on your mind, you know" Yuudai really knew how to get on Ushijima's nerves.

'He's the ace from Kaifukan?!' Sakura gasped.

"Say that after I floor your face" he reverted.

Sakura sensed the apparent tension as the two aces glared at each other.

"Toshi san" she tugged his arm.

"Wakatoshi..." he evilly laughed. "Is that a challenge I hear?"

"You said it" Ushijima growled. Sakura was now even more scared.

"If I win, Ushijima, which I will..." he closed in on Ushijima "I get Sakura"

His eyes widened. Ushijima lost the temper he was so desperately trying to keep. He grabbed Furuya by the collar and slammed him against the vending machine. "Touch her and you're dead" Ushijima didn't look human anymore.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now