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"Why can't you just leave her alone?" Ushijima finally snapped.

"Because I love her!"

"Well, so do I!!"

Sakura's body went senseless when she heard Ushijima say that.

"Please stop" Sakura was in tears. She had enough for the day.

"S-Sakura chan..." Oikawa froze.

"I'm sorry, Sakura" Ushijima gently wrapped his arm around her trying to calm her down.

"Please don't cry" Oikawa hesitantly said.

"Sakura..." Ushijima had already fixed his temper "Do you want him back?"

Sakura's legs were jelly. For a moment there she wanted to say yes and she almost did. But then she remembered the douche he was.

"No" she said hiding her face in her hands.

"Say that again" Ushijima encouraged her.

"NO" she said aloud still hiding her face.

"You heard her, Oikawa. She's crossed her limits of exhaustion" he subtly warned him to back off. 

After Oikawa left, Ushijima didn't waste a second in pulling her into his arms "There there" he cooed in her ear "He's not coming back now"

And with that she broke down in his arms. Ushijima looked at the sky, the sun had just set and he was worried if she could hold herself up anymore. He gently bent down to scoop her up in his muscular arms and chuckled when he heard her squeal in surprise.

He took her straight home and laid her in his bed. He went to his kitchen and walked back in with some tea. Ushijima Wakatoshi was a man of manners and she liked that about him.

They drank tea in awkward silence. Ushijima was embarrassed about the confession he involuntarily made before.

"Thank you" she whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"Why don't you rest for a while till I take a shower? I'll drop you home after" he suggested and she agreed. She was disturbed by the recent chain of events and she just curled on his bed.

He walked to his closet and back to her before he handed her his shirt which she hesitantly took with a thank you.

Sakura almost fell asleep but her eyes fluttered opened when the bathroom door creaked open and Ushijima walked out in just a towel around his waist. She couldn't help gawk at his muscled maze. His soaking abs were as perfect as it could get, coupled with his drool worthy triceps and his pecs. She closed her face turning the brightest shade of crimson and he apologised when he realised that she was still there.

He eyed her for a minute there. His shirt looked so good on her he almost growled. He quickly slipped out of the room before back in his shorts.

"Do you feel better?" He asked her and she slightly nodded in response. What he did next surprised her.

He slid under the covers and put his arms around her protectively, pulling her face into his chest. She melted when she smelled his cologne and the captivating scent of his shower gel while he laid his cheek on her head lightly taking in her scent, of cherry blossom and strawberry. She slowly placed her palm on his chest and sighed in ease feeling her hand vibrate when he chuckled with his eyes closed.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now