The War

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"Sugoooooi!" Hinata's eyes glistened in excitement, following him were Nishinoya, Tanaka and the others.

"What's happening?" Bokuto walked in followed by Kageyama and a few others from Karasuno. There weren't a lot of people so all of those who weren't there were confused.

"Sakura chan! She challenged the Great King!" Hinata spoke gibberish.

"Say what?" Sawamura was taken aback. "Sugoi ne"

"Fiesty!" Bokuto said walking towards his teammates.

"Has it begun?!??!" It was a sight for all the kids to see Washijo trying to run into the gym along with the other coaches.

"What's going on?" Tendou skeptically asked.

"Your coach is very excited for our match, that's all" Tetsuro smirked.

"Why is every other coach here then?" Ushijima asked. She wasn't audible to everyone in the gigantic gym there.

"She's playing with us, we're against Aoba Johsai. Washijo san happily agreed to let her join us for the match" Tetsuro assured her team and they all gasped.

"Against Oikawa's team" Ushijima said it aloud by accident.

"Holy crap, it's the war" Semi cackled.

"CHIBI!" He called her from the other end of the court.

"Hai!" Two voices responded instead of one.

"Hinata?" Sakura blinked at him.

"She's taller than me, why is she Chibi?"

"She was very small when she were little, like this short when she was 10" Tetsuro said and she smacked him.

"I'll be right back" she said leaving the gym as they all settled down, eager to watch the game.

She walked back in with her jersey and game shorts on and most of them gawked at her. She really was pretty.

"Ganbare" Hitoka and Shimizu cheered.

She had already warmed up in the locker room to reduce the anxiety. She stopped right outside the boundaries of the court and almost had a nervous breakdown.

"Chibi..." Her brother was right behind her.

"We lose the game once we're nervous" he reminded her.

"Also, Chibi" he said and she focused on him as he changed his stance "avoid straining your ankle. When you land..." he jumped "it's gonna impact. So I need you to..." he jumped again but when he landed he very slightly bent his left knee and slid his right leg a little more towards the right "...reduce the impact like that"

"Understood" she said.

"Okay, quick recap" he said and showed her an 'L' with his fingers.

She paused for two seconds before she held out her index and middle fingers in a ✌🏻 as a response.

He then chopped the air with his last three fingers to which she replied with a horizontal pinky.

"Hey, what the hell is that?" Bokuto asked and the others along with Kageyama and Hinata joined him.

"It's how they communicate" Kenma said not taking his eyes off his video game.

"I know that but I'm sure that's not an A-quick he showed there" he scratched his head.

"Yeah, it means a different thing every time. They use the combination of symbols, the probability of it varies like in an algorithm. They're not even going to hide it because they know it's impossible to crack"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now