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Ushijima and Sakura silently walked to school the next day.

"Ushijima saaaan" it was the same girl from yesterday waiting for him at the gates and he saw the scowl form on Sakura's face.

"I've been waiting for-"

"Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked.

"Y-yes but I was waiting for you" she cheerfully said. Sakura took it as her cue to walk away but an arm gripped her hand stopping her in her tracks.

"You shouldn't. I don't want to upset my girlfriend" he flatly said pulling Sakura back towards him and Sakura almost stumbled in astonishment. The girl looked at his hand holding hers and at Sakura's face like she saw a ghost.


"You wanted me to hear you out and I did. I don't want to jeopardise our relationship any further." He said "Please excuse us" he politely walked into the gates with Sakura and she hesitantly held his hand back. A small smile appeared on his face knowing that she wasn't distressed anymore.


"Sakura chaaan" she heard a voice hiss at her in a venomous tone as she walked back to class with Yumiko after lunch.

"Looks like you're dating my Ushiwaka after all" Sara smiled maliciously and her minions giggled behind her. "Let me give you some tips then" she walked up to her and held her cup before her Sakura and tilted it towards her spilling her orange juice on Sakura's blazer.

"Ushi doesn't really like trash but it looks like he cut you some slack" she smiled looking at the horror plastered on Sakura's face. Goshiki who was in the other end of the corridor was flabbergasted with the news but he managed to move his legs and run straight to Class 2-C.

One thing for sure. Sakura hated being picked on, she had been picked on all her academic life.


"It's okay" Sakura softly said holding Yumiko back. She had a different side to her when it came to bullies. They always terrified her.

"Oh, is it? What juice should I get tomorrow then?" She asked and the rest of her group laughed.

"Sakura!" A tall figure made his way through the crowd.

"Ushiwaka, I accidentally spilled my juice on Sak-" she tried playing innocent.

"Leave" he growled taking his blazer off before wrapping Sakura with it.


He shot a glare at Sara terrifying her minions.

"Anyone that picks on Sakura..." he advanced towards her as she gulped taking a step back every time he took one forward. "Goes through me first!" He said it loud and clear. The entire corridor was dead silent.

"Sakura..." Kiyomi and the others came to her aid.

"Sara..." he was a different person when he was angry. He was terrifying "If I see you anywhere around my girlfriend you'll be sorry."

Sara was trembling, so were the others. Everyone else there lost their shit when he dropped the "girlfriend" bomb.

He walked back to Sakura "There's barely a week for nationals. You shouldn't be upset" his face softened "Come" he held his hand out for her which she took and walked away leaving everyone aghast.

"Arigato" she fiddled her fingers under the table. They were seated at the cute little cafe close to Shiratorizawa.

"Dont worry about it"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now