Anxiety Kills

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I was a little skeptical about the strong line here. So thanks to trashhytrashh helping me figure this out. You're a gem.♥️

Sakura wasn't allowed to play. She wasn't allowed to travel. She couldn't even move around much without being dizzy. Shiratorizawa girls lost to Inarizaki girls and Kiyomi couldn't help feel the disappointment. Ushijima knew what they lacked. Their ace.

Coach Washijo sat in the middle court with zero expectations in the first place knowing that Sakura wasn't here to ensure their victory. He also knew how disheartened the girls team had become after her injury. The runners place was what he'd settled for as soon as the match began.

"How's Sakura?" He asked Ushijima. It was unusual for him to have a soft spot for his players. Ushijima was one of them but his concern towards Sakura was unexpected.

"The doctors said she needs to rest" was all he said.

"As she should" Coach Washijo didn't have enough words to express his grief. They could've won the finals. Shiratorizawa girls fought long and hard with Inarizaki girls. The country's #1 libero was in their team along with their captain being #1 ace in the country for that year. Her spikes needed extraordinary skills to be stopped. She was almost invincible. Their libero-ace combo made the perfect offence and defence. It was almost frustrating to watch them play.

"The #7 should've been there"

"Man, she would've made this so much lively"

"I hope she's alright"

Sakura was the crowd's favourite. She was devastated when she heard the news. She sat in her bed and sunk deep in her tears blaming herself for all of it. They were so close. So close to the peak. She saw the match on TV and almost threw the remote in dismay.

"It's not your fault, you know" Oikawa walked in with strawberry milk in his hand. She had to stay back at their hotel and rest. Coach's instructions. Oikawa had dropped by to see her along with Iwaizumi. The puffiness on her face was visible to even baboons.

"Iwa Senpai" she beamed looking at him "it's been so long"

"Sakura chan... I'm glad you're fine. That collision looked horrible from the stands" he said and she scrunched her face which Oikawa thought was cute.

"Did it look lame?"

"What are you saying? You looked like superman out there. Jumping to rescue" his attempts to cheer her were in vain.

"That bad??" She was scowling, her brows had furrowed. Iwaizumi looked at her in disappointment. He liked superman.

"Now how can Sakura chan ever look lame?" Oikawa smiled at her.

"I don't know, I'm not as graceful as you are, Oikawa Senpai" she said.

"But he isn't, he struggles like an eel without water" Iwaizumi laughed.

"Urusai, Iwa chan!" He yelled but his face softened when he looked at Sakura.

"But you definitely are. That was a super libero's stunt there... super scary" Oikawa's mouth formed an 'O' as he raised his brows and her face brightened "Really? That's so cool" she squealed.

Iwaizumi looked at Oikawa with a 'How did she fall for your trick and not mine?'

"Oikawa Senpai..." her voice was low.

"Tell me" he scooted closer to comfort her.

"We lost." She said.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now