A Date

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"Argh, that's it" Ushijima groaned.

"Right there, kitten"

"You're so good at this" he said.

"Such a good girl"

"Don't stop"





"Tell me how you talked me into giving you a massage, again?" Sakura asked massaging his shoulders, releasing his knots. She internally rolled touching his shirtless body.

"Your fault you like being princessed. I couldn't resist when your brother told me how good you were at this." He closed his eyes and smiled when the relief hit him.

"Why do you even talk to Niisan?" She raised her brow.

They heard people whispering outside the club room door "What are you guys doing?" Ushijima sternly asked and they all gulped.

"We heard your... noise... thought you were... umm..." Semi stuttered opening the door, looking all flustered, but they all looked at him in shock when they realised he was only getting a massage.

"That looks... relaxing." Tendou said.

"Me next!" Semi said.

"Not happening" Ushijima instantly scowled. She held his hand straight and pushed it backwards while her other held his shoulder. The sounds of his shoulder cracking radiated the club room making everyone gasp.

"That's some tension" she chuckled only to see his eyes wide as he rotated his arms.

"I just might be able to spike better" he said.

"I'm so jealous"

"Heh? Me too"

"I wish I knew of someone who'd give me a good massage"

"Ushiwaka, you can't be serious!" Tendou pouted.

"I am" he said putting his shirt on and walked away taking Sakura with him.

"I've never seen him like this" Reon finally spoke.

"Well, she is his girlfriend so..." Goshiki said as a matter of fact and-


"Who told you that?" Semi attacked him.

"WHAT?! I heard him say it!" He cowered.

And Ushijima was right. His spikes were better than before, the evil grin on his face said it all.

"What's with his spikes today?" The coach mumbled.

"He warmed up better" Sakura smiled answering him.

"I see." He said.

"Sakura, are you free today" Ushijima asked her after practice ended early.

"Yeah, why?" She asked beside him.

"I... Umm..." his face grew pink "you said you wanted to go to that... movie"

Her heart fluttered. "What about it?" She smiled, wanting him to say it.

"I was wondering if we could..."

"Only if it's a date" she said.

"It is a date" he looked ahead, the flush still lingering on his cheeks.

"Get ready, princess. I'll pick you up in an hour" he said dropping her home.

"Okay, daddy" she pecked his cheek and ran inside leaving him dumbfounded.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now