Heavy Hearts

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"Toshi san, Tadaima" Sakura came home with a big smile on her face, her nose trickled with the aroma of her favourite- "Pasta!" She skipped to the kitchen only to have her heart melt at the scene. Ushijima was cooking with her bunny apron on, their huge dog sat at the entrance of their kitchen watching him cook.

"Suzume, my baby" she petted the Great Dane "Do you want chewies? You're such a good boy"

"I don't understand why you'd name him "sparrow", he's not as small now" he pointed at the obvious giant in their house. "He never was" he mumbled shaking his head before turning his attention back to the pasta.

"Oh, I'm gonna need more nutrition than that" she peeped at the pan.

"More nutrition?" He chuckled "Since when did you consider nutrition?"

"Since I found out that I'm three weeks pregnant" she raised her brows.

The spatula dropped from Ushijima's hand and he took a few steps backwards. He looked at her like he saw a ghost for real. "W-What?" He could barely form words.

"We're having a baby" she said turning the hob off. He slowly walked towards a fridge and took a few vegetables out before heading back to slowly chop them, his attention miles away from the knife.

"You're gonna hurt yourself" she took the knife away from him and chopped it herself.

"Is this a prank?"

"What? No! I'm serious" she laughed and he weirdly fidgeted behind her.

He really couldn't believe it until she took him to the Nakajima Kenichi two weeks later.

"There it is" the doctor said. She was the new head of the Paeds department.

"Aiko san, arigato" Sakura thanked the doctor and Aiko just looked at Ushijima Wakatoshi who nervously sat there slightly panting for air. It was all very real for him now.

"I'm a little upset for not being invited to your wedding" she laughed to clear the air. "But your baby's very healthy."

"USHIJIMA SAN!" A resident barged right in. Both Sakura and Wakatoshi shot their heads in his direction and he froze in fright looking at her husband. "T-There's been a huge accident at the Tokyo bridge. There's a patient with multiples fractures in his rib constricting the blood flow to the his heart. Dr. Sasaki has immediately asked for the head of Ortho!" He said and she jumped off the examination chair. "Kuso! I need to get this."

"Sakura, you mustn't strain yourself too much!" Aiko scolded.

"Baby, you need to rest"

"I'll be back very soon, I promise." Sakura kissed his face. "You should head home, baby"

"No. I'll be in the waiting room" his voice was different from before, like he was concerned for her. "Promise me you'll take care of yourself"

"I promise." She said before she hurried towards the resident. "What does the chart say?"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now