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Everyone screamed as soon as Sakura walked into the gym. They crushed her with their group hug and she was fighting for air.

"I'm so proud of you!" Kiyomi looked at her with tears in her eyes like a proud parent.

"You could've waited till I actually got in, you know" she was embarrassed.

"You'll get in for sure" Yoshia crushed her lungs again.

"It's tomorrow so, good luck" Yumiko and Sakura did their secret handshake.

"I'm really nervous" Sakura softly said.

"You should be. The competition is really high." She said and Sakura's heart sank "but I know for a fact that you'll make it."


Sakura's mother was having a panic attack. She was more nervous than her daughter. Sakura hurried out of the door before her mother's contagious anxiety caught up to her.

Ushijima accompanied her since he had some 'work' in Tokyo. She was tottering all the way there and he couldn't help smile at her plight.

They finally arrived at the venue. The destined place. Ushijima dropped her off at the entrance "I'll be here when you get back, okay? Call me"

She nervously smiled "You won't make it through if you're nervous" he said and her anxiety died in an instant. She needed the negative hyperbole to make sure she knew the consequences of not doing so well. The competition in there would be so high that before she'd blink, she'd be out and back home.

"Good luck" he said.

"They'll need the luck" her face had already changed.

She walked inside and the arena fell silent looking at her.

"OMG That's the one"

"She made it to the crash camp"

"That's the Ace, Sniper"

"Woah... she's taller than she looks on court"

"ALL RIGHT, EVERYBODY FALL IN LINE!" The coaches alerted them.


Ushijima anxiously waited for her outside the gates after he was done with his 'work'. His heart leaped out of his chest when she shabbily walked towards him and he mentally prepared himself for the bad news.

"I... I made it" she said in disbelief, the tears in her eyes would make anyone think that the otherwise happened. She circled her hands around his torso and shakily buried her face in his chest while he digested the news.

"Say that again" he quietly said looking at the arena that he once entered for his selections.

"I made it" her voice was quaking and he put his arm around her trying to get her to calm down.

"Sakura..." he said and she looked up at him still sniffling "Welcome to the big league" he had a smile so dangerous all her organs froze.

"Here" he handed her the bouquet of lilies he had gotten for her.

"But how..."

"I knew you'd make it" he smiled and she was bubbling in joy. "A-Arigato" she said.

"CHIBI!!!!!" She heard the very familiar voice running towards her from a distance.


"Chibi! What happened?" He was as anxious as his mother was.

"I made it" she flatly said and he knocked the air out of her lungs with his hug. Quite literally.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now