Second Year

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Ushijima desperately waited outside the gym for Sakura after practice along with the others from his team. The girls' team was already on their way back to Shiratorizawa.

His heart was pulled right out of his cardiac cavity when he saw her get down the bus with a trophy each in both her hands.

"I did what you asked me to" was the first thing she said to him with a big smile on her face. "I also got best player. See?" she showed him the other trophy.

"SUGOII!!!" The boys cheered for them.


"You guys were so cool! We saw your match on TV!"

"Inarizaki gave you a tough time, didn't they?"

"Sugoi, Sakura chan!"

"You were amazing, baby" Furuya flashed his bad boy smirk infuriating Ushijima to no bounds.

After all the buzz died, they all headed back home. "Come home for dinner. I spoke to your mother already" he said and she nodded.

"My mother wants to see you"

She froze, "W-What?"

"Yeah. She made Unagi to celebrate" he said taking her hand before walking her home.

"T-That wasn't necessary"

"I missed you" he clasped her hand tight.

"I missed you too, Toshi san"

"I didn't think it would be this hard without you"

"I'm sorry. I really missed very much." She looked at her feet, her face was flushed. "You should've been there, so many of them asked for you. Even Sakusa san."

"He did?" He let out a faint smile leading her inside the door "Tadaima" he politely said and his mother rushed to the door. "Oh, you're finally here. Congratulations!" she smiled at Sakura but her eyes darted towards her son's hand holding hers.

"Arigato" she bowed "Thank you for inviting me"

As soon as his mother went back in, "Do you want my shirt?"

"What? No... you can't say that out loud" she shushed him and he realised it only seconds later.

"Oh. Okay" he blinked before leading her to the dining table.

"You look exhausted" his mother said.

"I'll be fine by morning" Sakura softly said.

"Sakura..." she said sitting down to join them "I couldn't thank you for taking care of my son"

"Please don't say that." She frantically shook her head.

"I haven't been around enough but it's a little comforting to know he still has someone to talk to" she sadly smiled. She even attempted to laugh trying to make herself not sound so serious but that failed.

"Kaasama, don't embarrass her" Ushijima couldn't look at the two anymore. He was most embarrassed.

"It's okay." Sakura said "I'm just happy to be there for him"

"Well, I think it's time for me to accept the fact that you're his girlfriend and you'll be around for a long time" she said "I hope you are"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now