See You Again

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"Ushi!" Ushijima heard the last person he wanted to hear from, call him.

"Hmm?" He flatly asked. He was rather irritated.

"How... have you... been?" Aiko asked.

"Good" he said and she just stood there staring at him, lost in his godly features. "If there's nothing else, I'll go" he turned around but felt an arm tug his.

"I'm sorry" her voice was groggy.

"I've forgiven you" Ushijima said without turning around.

"I'm... sorry" tears flowed down her face and his stomach twisted looking at her pained face. He once loved her after all.

"There's no use in shedding tears about it anymore" he wiped the tears from her face and she hugged him, taking him by surprise.

Sakura walked in without knowledge of anything and stopped. She saw him wipe her tears and say something to her and she hugged him as a response. She then tippy toed and kissed his cheek. Sakura's heart came crashing down. She turned around and ran away.

"It was nice seeing you" he gently pulled her away from him and walked away without another word.

Sakura didn't have dinner that day. She tried to sleep on it but couldn't. She avoided any contact with Ushijima all evening too.

'He loves her still. Why wouldn't he? She's gorgeous' she thought as she quietly.

Tears escaped her eyes even though she tried her best. She couldn't help feel that way. She had to believe what she saw there. She heard her phone ring and sloppily got up to answer. Without seeing the caller ID she received.

"Sakura..." a jolt ran down her spine when she heard his voice.

"Sakura?" He repeated when he couldn't hear her talk "where are you?"

"Home" was all she could manage to say.

"Are you alright?" he sounded a little off. In Ushijima terms, he was worried.

"Yeah" she sighed. She wanted no human interaction.

"Sure?" He asked.

"Mhmm" she said.

"Okay" he hung up and she flopped back into her bed after successfully fooling her boyfriend.

"Sakuraa..." Her mother called her fifteen minutes later and a few seconds after her mother called her door knocked softly.

She fixed her face and opened her door to face her mother outside but she saw broad muscles instead and froze. Her eyes trailed upwards to meet Ushijima's worried face.

"Sakura" she heard her mother come upstairs.

"Stay" Ushijima said before he walked towards her window and held the sliding pane before jerking it towards himself, breaking it a little. He stood quiet as her mother walked in.

"You should've told me about the broken pane instead of troubling him at this hour!" She said and Sakura took a while to digest what was happening.

"Not a problem" he smiled at her mother and she let him get on with it.

"So" he asked when the coast was clear "what's wrong?"

"You broke my window" she flatly said, still overwhelmed with emotions.

"I'm here to fix it" he said stepping closer to her "What's bothering you?"

"Nothing" she said.

"You've been avoiding me all evening" he said opening the tool box Sakura gave him. "I waited for you"

"You didn't have to" she tried to keep it as minimal as she could.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now