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As time progressed, Sakura got more comfortable around Oikawa. They went out on dates more often and she loved how Oikawa would take her by surprise or shower kisses on her. She turned out to be more of a daredevil than he thought she was.

Whenever he had a bad day at school he'd walk to her class during the break and sit beside her, just looking at her face or watch her write assignments.

He serenaded her with roses every period on Valentine's Day and by the end of the year everyone knew how much they loved each other. Most girls were jealous, some of them mean too. The guys just stayed quiet since they couldn't mess with Oikawa.

Then the worst happened. Oikawa graduated. He went to Aoba Johsai for his high school.

First day back at school, she ran out right after with tears in her eyes only to see Oikawa already there waiting for her. She ran into his arms and hugged him tight, softly crying.

"Oye, Sakura!?" He was starting to get really worried. "Did someone hurt you? What's wrong? Look at me"

"I missed you" she said and he sighed in relief.

"It's hard without you, too" he kissed the top of her head wrapping his arms around her. "Just another year, baby"

He dropped her home taking the long route through the park and they spoke about school all the way home.

"I made it to the volleyball team" he said.

"Sugoi" she softly squealed. "What's it like? Is it nice?"

"It's amazing, to be honest. There are such good players. I really want you to get there as soon as possible" he said holding her hand tighter.
They met each other three times a week and went out on dates every weekend.

She had been trying to call him that Friday. He had promised to meet her at the cafe near Kitagawa Daiichi, the very place they had their first date. It was already 5 p.m. and she wondered where he went. She hadn't seen him for the past two weeks and he didn't make it to the last five dates either. He cancelled their plans last minute saying he had practice and she knew how much he took upon himself to hone his skills.

But this time he wasn't answering his phone and she was worried. She decided to walk to Aoba Johsai herself to see if he was alright.

She remembered the last time they kissed. How he couldn't control himself when he saw her, he missed her so much he showered her with kisses and she let him lay on her lap, running her hands through his soft hair while he closed his eyes, smiling peacefully, enjoying the fresh air beside the lake. She smiled walking into the huge campus and sighed in awe. She felt a few eyes on her but ignored it walking straight into the building searching the corridors.

She heard a loud thump from the store room a few feet away from her. She was worried if someone had locked themselves in and looked around for help.

On not seeing a soul there, she decided to help them herself. She opened the door and felt her soul leave her body.

There was a girl on the table, topless, kissing a shirtless male figure as his hands roamed her body. She could recognise that tousled hair and muscled back from anywhere.

"O-Oikawa san" she said in a barely audible whisper and felt the two freeze.

He turned around to look at her and the colours in his face drained. She looked at the girl on the table trying to cover herself.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now