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"Fuck!" The boys team heard someone curse softly. They looked over to the girls' side and gawked when they realised it was Sakura. They wouldn't have even imagined her saying that in a million years. They all froze, the ball smacking Kunimi in the head.

"Ah! We need a medic!" Mayumi said, terrified. Sakura had hurt her index and middle fingers.

"Sakura?!" Oikawa headed over to their side and looked at her fingers.

"Weren't you paying attention?" He asked her, he was a little pissed she got hurt.

"She was trying this new blocking stunt that we said wouldn't work" the captain scoffed.

"It does, I just need to work on it a litt-"

"Is there anyone at the infirmary?" Iwaizumi asked the captain and she shook her head.

"I'll plaster it for now to keep it steady." He said. Oikawa was silent through the process.

"You still need to go to a doctor" Iwaizumi said.

She couldn't help but notice that Oikawa was silent throughout.

"Thank you very much" she thanked him before trying to walk towards the court but was pulled back by her arm.

"Oikawa Senpai?" she looked at who it was but stopped talking when she saw his raging face.

"Let's go" he said and walked out before anyone could say anything pulling her behind him.

He walked her all the way to the hospital, straight to the doctor like he had the way memorised.

"Oikawa? Not again" the young doctor said looking at him and saw the girl behind him.

"How did you hurt yourself, little one?" He asked her and she shyly looked at Oikawa.

"Volleyball" he said.

"Oh, you don't look like you play volleyball" he smiled examining her hand and Oikawa's ears flared.

He plastered her hand while Oikawa held her other hand trying to calm her down. The pain was overwhelming and she almost squealed.

"You shouldn't play for at least two more weeks" he said in a serious tone and Sakura's eyes went wide.

"Doctor, we have inter school the next week" Oikawa stood in her defence.

"It's gonna get worse if you use it anymore" he said and she just sat there breathing heavily.

"Okay" she said. She just wanted to get out of there and Oikawa sensed it.

"Sakura" he said walking out the door behind her.

"Hmm?" She looked at him with sad eyes.

"We'll figure it out" he said "okay?"

She silently nodded.

"Don't you have an assignment due tomorrow?" He asked and she froze looking at her fingers. How she wished they were her left hand fingers.

"You worry too much, Sakura chan" he chuckled "Come over, I'll help you out"

"Are you sure?" She asked not wanting to intervene.

"I'm certain." He smiled taking her to her place.

She introduced him to her mother.

"It's nice to see her have new friends. Thank you very much for taking care of her. She's been so reckless lately. I can't thank you enough" her mother thanked him and he chuckled in embarrassment.

"It's not a problem at all. Please don't say that" he awkwardly said "Do you mind if she came over for a while? I promised her I'd help with her assignment since she's injured and my mother would love to have some female company for once. My friends usually wreck the house and-" he guiltily said and she laughed. He came to think how Sakura's laugh was just like her mother's.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now