Last Night 🍋

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I can't get over him no matter how many fanfics I write. No matter who I write about. He's perfect. So perfect I'm gonna just melt crying. Part 98 coming through

You guys. I have not enough words to thank you for your support. You are just overwhelmingly AMAZING. ♥️

Has lemon 🍋 you've been warned.

There's also a surprise in the end that you won't like.

Wakatoshi was leaving the next day to Seoul for the Olympics.

Sakura gracefully walked out of her room and her kids gasped looked at her. "Woooww" they whispered.

She looked amazing in that slick black dress and her stilettos. Her long, glossy hair that framed her face so perfectly made her look like a goddess. "There's something I need to tell you" Sakura told her kids

"We're getting a sibling?" Sawako coldly raised her brow.

"What? How did you know?!?" Sakura gasped aloud and the kids lost their shit.

Sawako's playful taunt bit her right back. They looked horrified.

Sakura quickly took a picture. "Kidding." She laughed "Wow this is... such a good picture. I should frame it and put it up in my room"

"My mother's a sadist" Sawako said in realisation.

"What?!!" Sakura rebutted "You're turning into your father by the day!"

"You say it like its bad" she said.

"It's... not..." Sakura was at loss for words

"Kaasama, you wanted to say something" Satoshi said and his sister nodded.

"Ah, that..." she cleared her throat "I'm going on a date."

"Is Otosama home yet?"

"No, he's still at practice" Sakura checked her watch.

"WHAT?!" The kids gawked at her.

"HOW COULD YOU?" Satoshi yelled.

"I'M GONNA TELL PAPA IF YOU GO!" Sawako literally threatened her mother and Sakura took a step back not understanding where this was coming from.

"Tadai- what's with the commotion?" Wakatoshi walked in. His spine had a jolt when he looked at his terrified wife.

"Sakura, what's wrong?" He rushed to her aid.

"T-Toshi san" she struggled to talk.

"OKAASAMA!" They screamed again.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT?!" Wakatoshi's voice angrily boomed through the house silencing the two in an instant. They shivered under his furious gaze. Suzume just scurried out of the scene.

"But Otosama... She's going out on a date!" Satoshi lowered his voice.

Wakatoshi looked at them and back at his wife. "She is. What's the problem?" He asked.

"She's not going with you" Sawako said.

"And who told you that?" Ushijima jumped his head in question.

"You were out for practice" Satoshi said and Wakatoshi just laughed. Sakura just palmed her mouth shut in disbelief. She wanted to laugh but she was also horrified.

"You thought she was going out with someone else?" Wakatoshi laughed so hard his own kids were stunned. They two siblings apologetically looked at their mother.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now