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#1 in anime I'm wheezing. BROOOOO hold my phone I gotta go dip in the holy water. 70k special coming up.

Yeah, I know I'm flooding updates today. Sorry and thank you.🥰💕

Sakura and Ushijima walked to school together per usual. "Are you ready?" She let out a sketchy smile and he stopped to scan her face, she looked exactly like Tetsuro there and that kinda shook him a little.

"You're scary sometimes" he deadpanned.

"Oh, you smell so nice" Sakura turned to look at the new voice groaning close to her ear. Her face was so close to the person's that when she turned, her nose almost touched his cheek...

"AHH!" She screamed in horror punching his ribs to get away from him, startling Ushijima who protectively put his arms around her shielding her from any possible danger.

"OW! That hurt!" The person howled in pain.

"You scared me!" She was trying to calm down.

"Furuya?!" Ushijima's brows knitted in confusion when he realised who it was. He was in Shiratorizawa uniform.

"Hey, I'm new here. Sakura chan, guide me to class 2-D please" his face still scrunching from the potentially broken ribs.

"What? You're... Woah... are you serious?" She looked like a happy baby.

"Yes, baby. I came here just for you"

Ushijima scoffed at his response.

"Oh, stop it. And first of all, you two should be friends." She took his hand and Ushijima's to force a handshake. Their skin tingled with her touch.

"I told you to stay away from my girlfriend" Ushijima flatly said.

"He's my friend, now he's yours too. Again" she smiled before pulling them inside the gates.

"Oh, I've missed this place" Furuya smiled.

"Why are you back?" Ushijima asked. He wasn't angry, he wasn't irritated. That's how he just was and the two knew that very well by now.

"I left here for a reason. I don't have to live by it anymore"

"Well, she's here so I don't see how that lessens any of your reasons" Ushijima laid out the facts for him.

"She better know her place then" Sakura and Ushijima visibly saw the darkness seep through his eyes.

"Don't start bullying people again" Ushijima bluntly said.

"You're a bully? That's so uncool" she said in a distasteful tone, like when she ate string beans.

"That's... not uncool. What?!" Furuya always had people fawning over how cool he was when he was a bully. The school's bad boy. She caught him off guard there.

Everybody stopped dead in their tracks looking at Furuya with the two. The whole corridor was muted when he walked in. His reputation there had soared when he last came there to pick Sakura up and people hadn't stopped talking about him ever since.

"He's really here!"

"That's the trustee's son. He's a big bully"

"He's a total brat."

"He's ridiculously sexy"

"How lucky is Sakura? Talk about associating with the cutest guys in school"

"Omg! I've been crushing on him since junior high"

"He's so handsome up close"

"Is that piercing real? That's hot"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now