Oikawa Tooru

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Sakura's PoV

Oikawa Senpai played like the ace he was. He was quick on his feet, quick to think too. He devised strategies perfectly, the scoreboard had our points leaping ahead of Yukigaoka.

'How did they even make it to the semi's'

They lost with single digit points and Kitagawa Daiichi moved to the finals.

"I told you I'd win this for you" Oikawa Senpai winked and my heart fluttered.

"Oikawa! It's not just you, ya know!" Iwaizumi groaned walking out of the arena sipping his bottle.

"I have to go..." I fidgeted my fingers feeling awkward under his gaze.

"I'll come with you." He said holding my hand but we were cut off by a huge swarm of girls surrounding him literally pushing me out of the crowd.

I just awkwardly smiled and walked out of the doors and towards the girls' court.

I sat there and took a deep breath trying to calm me down. I then realised I wasn't nervous about the game...

'Oikawa Senpai'

I was obviously feeling weird about all the attention he was getting from the girls but this wasn't the time to remotely think about that.

"Sakura chan... of all the people here, you shouldn't be nervous" Iwaizumi Senpai chuckled sitting beside me and I just nodded.

"You'll feel different once you step inside the court" he rubbed my arm trying to calm me down.

"Iwaizumi!" We both jumped in our seats when we heard someone growl.

It wasn't just someone. "Oikawa... Senpai?" I could see him throwing steak knives from his eyes at Iwaizumi Senpai. "Watch your hand, Iwa" he evilly said.

"Oh, god..." he whined walking away and I silently mouthed an apology while he left.

'Why does he have to spook everyone away?'

"Sakura chan..." I was shaken out of my thoughts. Oikawa Senpai was kneeling before me and I just blinked.

"I'm sorry..." he let out a guilty smile and I shook my head. "Senpai, it's not your-"

"It is my fault for letting your hand go. Plus, I made you feel uncomfortable" he awkwardly said.

"It's... okay" I said

"It isn't, Sakura! I didn't want to let you go" He kinda snapped and I flinched.

"I'm sorry!" He apologised extending both his hands asking for mine.

He gripped my hands tightly and looked straight into my eyes. I felt the world around me go in slow motion as I dove right into his chocolate coloured eyes. A tinge of blush very apparent on my face.

"I don't really have to tell you anything for the game, you're a better player than I am" he said.

"Oikawa san" I shook my head indicating a hard NO and he just chuckled.

"I love you, Sakura chan." He wholeheartedly said and my world froze over.

"Oikawa san!" My eyes grew wide and my face grew redder.

"Sakura chan..." he smiled "be my girlfriend"

My heart was drumming in my ears, my hands were shaking in his. He gripped my hands tighter sensing the same.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now