Brother Dearest

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Welllll, my older brother and I went to different schools and we both played volleyball in school. We played against each other's schools in tournaments. Sooo I guess my interest in Haikyuu! isn't a surprise. Anyway this one's for him.

Sakura packed her bag and kissed her mother's cheek before getting out of the door only to see Ushijima already waiting there for her.

"Toshi san... you're here" it was supposed to be a question but, oh well.

"Ohayo, Sakura" he smiled and her eyes shone. He looked so cute when he smiled. "Are you sore?"

"Umm... maybe just a little" she shied away.

"Well, you can rest all the way to Tokyo, so..." he held her hand as they walked to school. Sakura was taken aback by his sudden extra warmth. He was feeling extra protective today since she was sore.

"Ohayo, Manager chan!" The boys greeted and she greeted them back.

The bus was in absolute chaos. The boys made waaaay too much noise as Ushijima sat with Sakura in the front in silence, right behind their coach.

"OMAE RA MIN'NA BAKADA! STOP SCREAMING LIKE WE'RE GOING TO YOUR WEDDING!!!" The coach managed to keep them in control...

...for a while at least.

Sakura did sleep all the way. She rested her head on Ushijima's comforting shoulder and swiftly fell asleep. He looked at her sleeping face and hid his smile. He wasn't gonna tell her how he had to wash the blood off his sheets but...

"Ushijima" the coach called.

"Hai..." he flatly said.

"I was looking at the notes Sakura made of our team..." he said and everyone's ears pricked.

"Say what?" Semi got up from his seat and jumped to one in the front and everyone followed suit, crushing each other.

"I couldn't agree more to what she has put in here" the coach sounded very content "Everyone, take a look at your strengths and weaknesses"

"I'm sure I don't have anyyy" Tendou sang.

"It says here that your weakness is..."

"...guess blocking?!" Semi read out loud.

"Huh?" Tendou snatched the book from his hand.

"Oye, how did she..." Tendou stopped to read it.

"That's supposedly my strength too" he said reading further analysis.

"She's incredible..." he mumbled while reading. "Got it!"

He passed the book to everyone and the lastly it came to Ushijima. He was skeptically turning through the pages and found everyone's analysis pretty accurate.

"Say... what's your weakness?" Tendou asked and everyone peeped from behind Ushijima to take a peek at the book.


"She's rightly said it" Washijo tied his hands as he sunk further into his seat.

"If you incorporate speed into your attacks..." the coach turned to look at him in the eyes "'ll be invincible"

He smirked. He knew what he had to do. He was also content with the analysis, she was right after all. The others were serious about volleyball now that they had seen the book. The book was still in circulation as they read each other's strengths and weaknesses. They had stopped monkeying and the bus had fallen silent.

Ushijima noticed the wind blow against her face from the window so he put his jacket around her to keep her from catching a cold.

"Look who's in looooove" Tendou inaudibly sang in Ushijima's ear and Ushijima smacked his head without even looking.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now