A Fight to Remember

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Sakura's PoV
I saw Oikawa san flocked by girls as usual.

Still the womanising brat

However he didn't take his eyes off of me. "No." I heard him say aloud without looking away from me.

He extended his arms in my direction and pointed straight at me "I'm in love with her" he said aloud and my eyes went wide. I didn't have a sordidly visible reaction though. Ushijima san's face was confusing to look at. He looked at Oikawa san in shock, anger and other mixed feelings.

"The nerve" was all Ushijima san coldly said. At least he tried to be cold about it but it came out as a growl.

"Sakura chan. Tell us if he troubles you" Goshiki said glaring at Oikawa san. They had already gone on protective mode.

"I'll handle this one myself" I flatly said and turned around to walk away leaving everyone confused.

Who does he think he is? After all that he's done. That wench.

I scurried outside the arena desperately trying to get some fresh air before the match.

"Sakura chan..." I heard the voice I didn't want to hear even in my nightmares.

"Oikawa san" I coldly said without even turning around to face him.

"I just..." he hesitantly said "...wanted to apologise"

"Save it" I said. "I need some time alone"

"S-Sakura chan... you've... never been so harsh" Oikawa said, confused.

"It's a necessity now" I said but I felt someone hold my wrist and whipped my head around to see his face. I stopped breathing when I looked at him. I looked at his gorgeous face, his soft lips that I once kissed with so much love. Those eyes that looked at me in a way I couldn't comprehend. He wasn't here as my boyfriend anymore and my heart stung.

"Let me go!" I glared at Oikawa san. Instead of letting me go he put his hand on my face and caressed my cheek. "You're so beautiful" he managed to whisper "I'm such a fool"

I slapped his hand away and took a few steps back "that you are"

"OIKAWA SAAN!" All the girls came flocking again and I took this as an opportunity to try and escape. But unlike the last time, I felt a strong hand wrap around mine, pulling me into the crowd.

"You always broke away from my grasp back in Kitagawa, but I don't think you can now" he softly said and I knew what he was referring to.

"Oikawa san" the girls tried to woo him as he towered over them.

"This is the girl I told you about" he said smiling and all the girls looked at me in shock.

"There's nothing-"

"...To hide, is there, Sakura chan?" He placed his chin on my shoulder from behind, his hand holding mine while the other went around my torso and my legs were going jelly. I could feel his breath fanning my ear. "I've missed you very much" he inaudibly said.

"I have a match" I stated and hurried out of his grasp. I went to the restroom and washed my face trying to not cry right before the match began. I locked myself in one of the stalls when I couldn't hold it in anymore and cried my heart out. The cold water soothed my puffy eyes and I took a deep breath before I head back out only to see Ushijima san standing there leaning against the wall with his arms folded, his eyes scanning my face.

"He troubled you, didn't he?" He didn't seem happy and I shook my head no.

He hooked his fingers under my chin and raised my head only to look right into my eyes. "I really will wipe the floor with his face" he said in a tone that scared me. His calloused thumb slowly traced my quaking lips.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now