Go Baby

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"Sugoi, Sakura chan" she was swarmed by people after the match.


"Take a picture with me"

"Please go out with me"

"I asked her first!"

"Toshi san..." she looked around to find Ushijima's face but couldn't find him. She felt someone grab her hand and pull her out of the crowd. Before she could blink she was in another corridor. She gasped, almost jumping in fright.

"It's just me" the voice said.

"Oh, Atsumu san... you scared me" she softly sighed.

"That was the best comeback of the century, fight me." He smirked making her giggle.

"How'd you even do that? You were so awesome. Once you were so quiet, like you weren't going to move anytime soon then in a blink you're on the other end spiking like whoosh" he raised his hand in a spike motion and she laughed.

"There's enough people bothering her already." Someone interrupted them.

"Oh, Sakura chan... meet my brother, Miya Osamu" he smiled "he's kind of a bother so don't pay attention to him"

Osamu pushed him aside "your game was insane" held her hand kissed the back of her palm "It's a privilege to meet you. You're even more beautiful up close" he said and she gulped, her face had a hue of pink.

"N-nice to meet you too" she bowed.

"Huh? I didn't think you were this timid" he chuckled. "Why don't you come see our match?"

"I've to go... watch our team play" she timidly said "I'll... see you around." She turned around to leave but before she left she looked back at Atsumu "Arigato, Atsumu san" she smiled and took her leave.

"She's cute"

"Definitely beautiful" the two brothers looked at each other and scowled.

"I hope I'm not late" she hurried to their court.

"Sakura, you're right on time" the coach smiled at her. "They're not here yet?"

"They're warming up"

"I'll go check on them"

She saw everyone there except for the ace.

"Where's Toshi san?"

"He's warming up alone in the other room" Semi said and she went to find him.

He was stretching his back and his muscles lightly popped through his jersey. She gulped as he stretched his arms, she remembered gripping onto those muscular arms not long ago.

"Sakura?" He looked at her. He was on the floor, his legs shaped in a V as he bent forward to stretch. She immediately went to assist him. She placed her hands on his back, close to his shoulders and pushed him further down helping him stretch. He felt the cold sensation on his back where her hands pressed and held her wrist pulling her down. She crashed against his back, her face now beside his ear as he wrapped his palm in hers.

"You're cold" his face changed "Was the shower with me not enough to keep you warm?" He said referring to a few events in the morning and her cheeks flared.

"T-toshi san..." she stuttered.

"Wear my jacket" he handed her his own "Don't make me say it twice"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now