The Dark Side 🍋

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Ushijima's cast was finally off. Sakura sighed in relief, his arm was totally fine. He had skipped practice for a long time and had dulled a little but Sakura kept him in his spirits by pulling him out of his house for a run, at dawn and at dusk.

Ushijima couldn't be any more grateful for his girlfriend than he already was. She was a boon, at least that's what he thought of her.

"Sakura, would you mind staying for dinner?" he politely asked.

"I'd love to." She smiled "What do I make today?"

"What do you want to eat?" He asked her, his eyes wandering her confused face.

"Umm... pasta?" She asked him walking into his house.

"Alright" he said locking the door behind him.

She began chopping the vegetables and felt an arm around her gently taking the knife from her hand and carefully chopped the vegetables as his breath fanned her ear.

"T-Toshi san..." she was flushed.

"Yes, princess?" He blankly asked. God, that made her weak.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Helping you out" he said, his concentration still on the knife.

"I can-"

"I don't want you to" he flatly said.


"I'll cook" he said.

"But I can-"

"Don't disobey" he coldly looked at her sending shivers down her body. He was intimidating. He might be a baby boy but he was also daddy.

She cowered and stepped back, watching him as he skilfully made her favourite pasta.

"Mmm, this is so good" she half moaned closing her eyes and felt his touch on her face. His thumb carefully wiped the sauce from her lip and licked it clean; she gawked at him. Her cheeks turned hot. He internally groaned looking at the white sauce on her lips.

"You didn't have to..." she was embarrassed.

"Why?" He blankly asked.

"It's... you just..." she stuttered and he smirked.

He got off his chair and walked towards her, her voice going down with every step he took towards her. He leaned closer to her ear and her breath hitched, his cologne made her legs squeeze themselves shut.

"Did I make you wet, princess?" He asked and her eyes went wide. She felt his hand ride up her thigh and into her shorts, caressing her over the thin fabric that covered her core.

"But I barely touched you" he flatly said. She hid her face in his shoulder in embarrassment and her hand clutched onto the sleeve of his shirt.

He slid the fabric aside and his fingers contacted her sensitive skin. She muffled a moan escaping her lips with her other hand, whimpering under his touch.

"Let me hear you, baby" he said.

"Toshi san!" She let it out.

"Not so loud, princess. You don't want the neighbours to know" he said pulling his hand out.

He bent near her torso and put her over his shoulder making her squeal, as he headed to his room.

"Let me properly thank you, baby" he placed her on the bed. He pulled his shirt off and she almost visibly drooled.

"You can ogle me once we're done" he said and bent down to kiss her legs, from her toes and way up.

He trailed kisses up her thigh "your shorts are too short" he growled and her body jolted. He pulled her shorts off along with her panties. He pulled her shirt off and flung her bra away. The captain was impatient. He hovered over her for a while immersing himself in the breathtaking view and she tried to cover herself.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now