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Ushijima's PoV

My lungs impatiently struggled with every movement as I carried her to my room, her legs tightly wrapped around my waist. I sat on the edge with her straddling me as she recklessly kissed me with the same passion, her movements tempting my groin making an involuntary groan escape my lips. She smiled into our kiss as my hands delicately took her shirt off, my fingers burning at the mere touch of her silky skin. She looked so beautiful. The black fabric that covered her sumptuous breasts must've hated me. One look at her half naked self made my member hurt. She hastily took my shirt off before launching herself at me making me fall backwards on the bed. She kissed my face and peppered kisses along my jaw and bit my ear "I love you too" my brows scrunched with the sensation but a smile formed on my face as she continued to kiss down my body before she impatiently pulled my shorts off. I hadn't seen this side of hers. The lust in her eyes clearly made my heart sick. It took me everything to not peel every fabric off her body and-

She slowly jerked my member with those divine fingers wrapped around it and I forgot whatever I was thinking. She slid her tongue on my shaft and my mind went blank. I might have even forgotten my name, I'd really want her to remind me that when I'd make love t-

Her sinful mouth was the death of me. I could feel my soul begging my body to live as she threatened to suck it right out of my body. She moaned against my member when I twitched in her mouth and I instantly came. I let out groan I couldn't hold anymore. That sound was embarrassing. A smile formed on her lips as she sat on her knees, she liked seeing me weak like that.

"Oh, baby" I smirked tossing her back on the bed. I hooked my finger and slid away her pants in a painfully slow pace as she struggled against me.

"Patience, kitten" I said kissing her neck. She arched her back providing me better access to her neck as my hand slipped behind her slender waist pressing her against me. I sloppily kissed her chest, my tongue aching to feel her more. I had become a sinful person and I couldn't stop anymore. My hand kneaded her breast as my mouth teased her other. She let out soft gasping moans making my member hurt again. I nudged her legs apart and buried my tongue inside her wetness as she shrieked. I circled my arms around her legs pulling her close to me, my eyes darting towards her pleading ones. I could see her almost lose control and I wanted exactly that. I pushed my finger in, her tightness sending shivers down my body as I ate her.

"So wet for me" I said and she mewled in pleasure and embarrassment. I placed small kisses and bites on her thigh making sure to mark her mine. She tried to wiggle away from my tongue. I held her ankle and pressed myself deeper as I felt her shiver.

"Come for me" I said and she submitted like the good girl she was. But that was my undoing, I was completely out of my senses. I quickly put the rubber on and slowly pushed myself inside her making her grip my shoulders and almost scream.

"Shh, I'm right here" I kissed her. She eased a little and arched her back as I moved. Her long hair was splayed under her, making her look like a goddess as she moaned my name. She reminded me who I was, in the most blissful way possible. I wanted to make love to her against every-

"Toshi san..." she had me wrapped around her finger. I was the one responding to her moans now. She pushed my chest rolling over as I saw her gorgeousness sit upright with my shaft still inside her. The sight of her riding me was etched in my mind forever. I held her breasts as she moved against me.

"Toshi san..." he back arched as my hands slipped to grab her gorgeous ass and increased the pace. I sat upright when I knew she was close so she could hold onto me. My member twitched again as she repeatedly moaned violently clenching around me and I kissed her as I came undone with her. She held my shoulders tight, still shaking. Her face buried in my neck as her grip around my neck loosened. I discarded the rubber and picked her up making my way towards the shower where I made love to her again against the wall. I heard the door of my room open and her eyes went wide as she bit back a moan while I still moved inside her.

"Wakatoshi... I'm back." It was my mother. I smirked at my horrified girlfriend and held a finger against her lips "Shh"

I clasped her mouth with my hand as I increased my pace and she tried as hard as she could to not scream aloud.

"Are you in there?" My mother asked when I didn't reply. She clenched around me making it almost impossible for me to talk.

"I'm... in the shower" I didn't realise how hard it would be for me. I saw her head arch backwards and I took it as a cue to increase my pace.

I bent close to her ear "Come" I whispered "Come again"

And she did. Not moments after, I came undone too.

"I'll be in the kitchen" she said and seconds later, I heard the door close.

"Why would you do that?" Sakura lightly hit my chest and I smiled kissing her again. "You can stay here as long as you want, with me, in my room"

"What? No" she whisper yelled. She was still shaking.

"Don't worry. I'll get you out" I said wrapping her in a towel.

I walked downstairs fully clothed to find my mother in the kitchen. I signalled to Sakura who stealthily walked past me as I blocked the kitchen door for her, keeping her away from my mother's sight.

"Kaasama" I walked into the kitchen as Sakura quietly slipped out of the door. "I need to go out for a while I'll be back soon."

"What? Now?"

"Yes, I had dinner"

"Okay..." she didn't like the idea of it "Be back soon!"

"Okay" I said walking out to drop my girl home.

She was standing around the corner staring into her phone. I wrapped her in a warm jacket making her jump backwards, almost falling because her legs almost gave up on her. I held her close to me "Did I hurt you?"

"No" she was timid again. She was the very opposite of the person she was when she rode me into nihility.

"You clearly need rest"

"You marked me again" she scoffed.

"Because you're mine, aren't you, kitten?" I said. She didn't have a reply to that one.

I dropped her home and headed back only to see my mother pull Sakura's jacket and her scrunchie from my sports bag.

"What is this doing here?!" She was furious.

"Whose jacket is this?!!"

Another meme for a nicer day. Thanks ♥️♥️♥️

 Thanks ♥️♥️♥️

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Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now