Team Work

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I have something really special here! I_have_no_jamsss just sent me this AMAAAAAZING FAN ART AND I'M LIVING FOR IT. I'm in tears. I'M A SUCKER FOR FAN ARTS! This art is gonna be everywhere so please bear with me!

 I'M A SUCKER FOR FAN ARTS! This art is gonna be everywhere so please bear with me!

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This is so fucking cute. So perfect. I'm breaking down. I CAN'T!

I_have_no_jamsss Babygirl, thank you so damn much! You're a star. Honest to god! It's so pretty I can't stop looking at it AHH!!!

This chapter is for you, babe. Awh crap I'm crying.


'I really don't care if I get expelled anymore. It's beyond my wildest imagination how anyone can stoop down to this' she was so angry her breathing was slightly shaky.

She stepped forward and without wasting another moment-

A loud, impactful sound echoed through the noiseless cafeteria.

Yuki held her cheek in disbelief as the pain stung all the way through her head. Her eyesight went a little fuzzy for a while. Sakura wasn't an ace for namesake. She knew how to land the perfect spike. The sniper had skills too.

Jaws had dropped and hearts had stopped. Ushijima thought this was an illusion, Furuya's eyes shone in amusement. Tendou was proud of her while the other boys... they were shitting bricks.

She held the shorter hellion by the collar of her blazer. "Don't start a war you can't survive. You'll lose before you know it"

"Oh, but what about your volleyball career?" She smiled through her pain.

Sakura stopped but only for a second. "Well, maybe then I'll know where else I can land a spike."

People behind her started speaking. "Why would you do this to her?"

"She's innocent"

"How could you do this to another girl?"

The whole canteen began to murmur.

"She's a bully"

"I thought she was nice"

"She's as innocent as a guilty convict. At least get your facts right!" Sakura repelled them before looking back at Yuki in the eyes "You better not lie like the snitch you are and mess with him again. I suggest you drop it here or I'm gonna unravel your deepest nightmares One. By. One."

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now